The following are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, taught in the catechism of the holy Catholic Church. These gifts were stated in the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas. They are also present in Isaiah 112-3.Christians believe that they receive these gifts after receiving the Life of God, that is, especially after receiving the holy sacrament. The Catholic Church believes that these giftscomplete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them .Below is a description of each of the gifts.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and their Roles
The first gift is Wisdom. This is considered as the most important and the highest gift. Through it, we are able to value what God created thereby strengthening our Faith. We get a better meaning of the earthly things, the nature of life and also any historical events that ever happened. Our minds are opened and we can therefore choose between the wrong and right. Understanding is the second gift. It helps us live as followers of Jesus. It gives people power to understand what life is all about and not be confused by the different cultural practices on the way people should live.

The third gift, known as Counsel is also called the gift of right judgment. As the name suggests, it enables one to choose between the right and wrong. It is believed to be supernatural. It helps people make the right decisions and avoid sinful behaviors. Fortitude is the forth gift of the Holy Spirit. Some people call it the gift of Courage. Christians are given this gift by the Holy Spirit to enable them overcome all fear. They can therefore stand strong with the word of God despite the many challenges they might meet. Through this gift, they get the firmness of mind and can proclaim the name of Christ without any fear of the evil.

The last three gifts are Knowledge, Piety and fear of God. Through knowledge, we are able to understand Gods revelation and its meaning. We are able to determine what God meant by the life of Jesus Christ. We are able to lead our lives according to Gods purpose of creating us. Piety is also known as the gift of Reverence. This gift mainly deals with respect. We are able to respect god as our creator and also have respect for the Church as the temple of God. Through this gift, we are able to trust in god and pray to him to answer our needs. The fear of the Lord makes us fear and respect God. We are able to know the majesty and glory of the lord. Using this gift, we do not offend God but instead we have the filial fear.

The role of the Gifts of the Holy Sprit in our Moral Spiritual Life
Through Wisdom, we are able to see Gods work in everything and also experience him through other people. It is helps us perfect the faith we have and believe in God. Understanding provides us with self principles on how to live as followers of Christ. It also helps people understand the practices of the Holy Catholic Church. Counsel makes a Christian to stand strong on hisher faith and defend it. Fortitude makes a Christian to be willing to accept rejection or any harm and even death provided heshe is doing the right thing and it is for Christs sake.

The gift of knowledge gives a Christian the desire to read more on the tradition and also the scriptures. Having this gift is considered more valuable that having a collection of many worldly facts. Through piety, we are able to love our parents and honor them and live according to their wish. This should be similar to the way we relate with god. The last gift makes us fear the Lord and have respect for him. This is clearly shown in the bible in Proverbs 17.The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It enables us to respect God as he is the source of everything and very powerful.

Relationship between spiritual virtues and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit help in perfecting the human virtues. The gift of Wisdom is usually related to the virtue of charity. This virtue helps to promote wisdom in the community through sharing hence also uplifting its mutual prosperity. The gift of understanding is related to the virtue of faith. This virtue helps one to believe in the right thing. The gift of counsel is related to the virtue of prudence. This virtue gives someone ability to budget hisher time wisely. it enables you to take good care of your money and also make your decisions wisely. It enables you to work hard and not be lazy
The gift of fortitude relates to the virtue of courage. The virtue gifts someone the ability to do difficult tasks and also no to fear anything. It enables one become selflessness and always willing to do Godly things despite the challenges heshe might go through. It does not encourage proud but instead advises that one should wait till heshe is praised. The gift of knowledge relates to the virtue of temperament. This makes a person abstain from the sinful earthly things and have self control. It enables one to be mindful of the other people and also have a good balance between hisher interest for oneself and to other people.

The sixth gift of the Holy Spirit corresponds to the virtue of justice. This is the virtue that enables one to be fair and mindful of other people. People are able to count on you when they get a problem as a source of help. It enables one not to be biased but judge accordingly. The last gift of the Holy Spirit corresponds to the virtue of hope. This virtue makes a Christian always believe that something good will happen. It gives Christians hope for tomorrow and helps them to continuously believe in the second coming of Christ and life after death

The Holy Spirit is a gift giver. These gifts make us live and become what God wants us to be. They enable us proclaim the word of God on earth, hence become his ambassadors. Once the spirit manifests in us, it gives us these gifts. This manifestation is the salvation we need as Christian and therefore if you do not possess these gifts, the Holy Spirit does not dwell in you. It is therefore clear that every Christian should have these gifts as they direct and guide us on how to live sinless lives.


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