The prophetic book of Daniel

Eschatology refers to theology of the last days. The book of Daniel talks about eschatology using signs, symbols and visions. The vision of Daniel was that of the Messiah where he saw the Messiah in the world who was to come and save all the mankind from their sinful ways. Most prophets had seen the coming of the messiah but they did not have the full details like the one Daniel had as it has been highlighted in this book.

Daniel had a very understandable details especially the one which concerned the Gentiles and the Israel (Daniel 924-27). This therefore implies that Daniel was the main prophet in revealing most of the prophecies in a well structured way. Daniel fulfilled the revelations of these two prophecies out of the four revealed in the bible. The other prophecies which have been revealed are the ones for the angels, and the church as the first and the fourth respectively while Daniels revelations were the second and the third which concerns the Gentiles and the Israel.

Chapter nine of this book has been started with the prophecy of Jeremiah concerning the Jerusalem which was to be under desolations for a period of 70years. This prophecy was interceded by Daniels prayer. The Daniel also had a vision of comprehending the bible writings in the desired way through the Angel Gabriels as the messenger. In this book, all the chapters develop all the prophecies of Daniel in relations to the end days in the bible as indicated in revelations chapter 19.

Most of these prophecies were shown to relate to the mankind in general but finally it is indicated that it applies to some few identified people. In this book, chapter ten has discussed in details the fourth vision where the tribulations have been categorically mentioned. The vision also indicates the resurrections which have also been discussed in the twelve chapters. This indicates the climax of Daniels prophecies in his book which affects the Gentiles and the Israel. Daniels prophecies are related to the nineteenth chapter of the book of revelations, the final book in the bible (Walvoord, 107).

Things to come
This book concerns the Pentecostals perspectives of the interpretation of prophecies in the bible. Pentecost has highlighted the interpretations of the prophecies using the literal interpretation and he has defended the method to be the only best one in interpreting any doctrine today. Pentecost has used the literal method to come up with the clear meaning of the prophecies in the bible which relates to the covenants, chapters in the book of revelation, rapture, the kingdom, and finally the tribulations.

The covenants which have been highlighted in this book are those of Abraham, new covenant, David, and the Palestine. The covenant of Abraham has been highlighted to be the main one which relates to the eschatology. The Palestinian covenant is no different but a further expression of the Abrahams covenant as indicated in the book in details. The other main section is the one which relates to our current times we are in. It has been discussed by Pentecost as the period when the messiah was denied by the Israel until the period when they accepted him on his second coming. Pentecost has also presented the interpretations of the seven churches as highlighted in the book of Revelation (Pentecost, 138).

The issues surrounding the church have been highlighted concerning the current days and the end times with reference to the various chapters in the bible. The book also has talked of the ruptures as the third aspect. The book also has forwarded details of the kingdom. There is also the detail of the imminence doctrine which has been discussed widely in reference to the bible scriptures like the first book of Thessalonians 110. Tribulations which are mentioned in the book by Pentecost are the ones which are related to the setting of the right path for the coming of the Messiah (Pentecost, 237).

The chart book
This is another book which provides several interpretations of the bible scriptures on the various prophecies mad by various prophets. In this book, prophecies have been highlighted and compared to the archaeology.  There are also the presentations of the Antichrist as a way of the rebellious functions of the society today as a clarification of eschatology. There is also indication of the fulfillment of the coming of Christ as per the prophecies made.

The book has further highlighted the factors surrounding the coming of the messiah on the second time by relating the scriptures in the beginning and those at the end of the bible as Revelation. There is information about the accomplishing the prophecies in the book as shown by the bible. There are also the teachings as per the interpretations made according to the bible and the book. The book has talked about the matters surrounding the death of a person and the life which on should expected after death. There are also various systems which have been discussed and related to the bible (House and Price, 124).


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