Christians being involved in Politics

Politics is an integral life in every individual.  To be involved in politics does not necessarily mean nor is it limited to serving in government.  Even as individuals, anyone can still get involved in politics in more ways than one could imagine.  For Christians, ones basic goal is to live life according to Gods will, regardless of whatever denomination they belong to, Catholic or Protestant.  Christianity is not a mere religion, it is a way of life and as such, it can also make an impact in politics.

The most basic duty a Christian can do as a citizen is to fulfill their duties as a citizen and it is as simple as following traffic rules and paying taxes. Essentially, Christians, through the values learned through the Bible or in church, are asked to be law-abiding citizens, to obey the laws provided they are just and so are their leaders.  Jesus Christ and His followers had set an example how to live as Christians, especially when it comes to facing adversity squarely in the face.  Christians are not supposed to be apathetic nor indifferent in what goes on in society.  Christians are by nature morally righteous, not self-righteous.  They must not turn a blind eye nor play deaf whenever there is trouble or when one is in need of help.

When it comes to issues, Christians must uphold moral supremacy at all times, consistent to the word of God and must not compromise it for the sake for pragmatism or (political) expediency, most especially if one is into politics, whether elected or appointed (Koukl).  Christians are not necessarily conservative, nor are they liberal.  They stand in the middle though (admittedly), Christians lean more on the conservative side.  As stated earlier, Christian citizens and politicians must uphold moral values in order to ensure order in society and never let extremely liberal ideas undermine it such as abortion, same-sex marriages and legalizing drugs that threaten to destroy the family, the most basic unit of society (American Family Association).  They must not be taken in by the deceptive reasoning by these liberal advocates who try to justify their position by saying they need to keep with the times and this is what is popular.  Once again, Jesus Christ had set the example by going against what was popular simply because it was the right thing to do.  Just because something is popular or the trend nowadays does not mean it is right (Christian Coalition of America).  Essentially, Christianity serves to protect society from the dangers posed by secularism which is encouraging people to turn their backs on their faith on the pretext that all it does is promote superstition and deprive one of freedom.  This is not entirely true.  Christianity does recognize freedom but at the same time, educate the individual on the responsibility of exercising the free will endowed by God (Brockman).

To those in power, by way of conclusion, it is their duty to uphold these values even more since they are in a position to make things happen as they wield authority.  At the same time, they must not compromise these values and continue to adhere to the highest moral standards which will not only make them respectable but more powerful as well since God is the one who will furnish them the power they need.


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