Book is defined as a set or collection of written illustrated or blank sheets made of paper, parchment or various other materials, usually fastened together to a hinge at one side. There are various genres, fiction or nonfiction. During the ancient times the writings were written upon stone, clay, tree barks etc. Ancient Egyptians used to write on papyrus, a plant grown along the river Nile. Various scrolls, codex, bamboo books have emerged. All of which had a reason of letting people know about the information or for passing on a message for engraving the events which took place. Bible being known as the most powerful book having the entire humanity and the creation dealt in and made known, having the life as whole in it, is the one book of truth and Word of God.

Bible with its books is composed of The Old Testament and the New Testament.
Historical editions of Bible were Biblical manuscripts and the Bible translations. Bible exists in multiple manuscripts and multiple canons.

The Old Testament composed of 39 book starting from Genesis to Malachi which has been written before the time of Jesus birth, during the 12th to 2nd century B.C. There are a number of books found in the Peshitta and Greek Septuagnit which are not found in Hebrew Bible, called as deuterocanonical books by Roman Catholics. The Old Testament gives out prophesies of Christ coming to the earth as our saviour.
The New Testament which was originally written in Greek, is made of 27 books from Matthews to Revelations, composed of 4 different genres of Gospels, Acts of Apostles, Epistles and Apostles.  Its give prophesies being fulfilled with Jesus Christ coming to the earth and saving humanity with His willing sacrifice.
Bible has a very significant history, it has everything in it, there is nothing the Bible doesnt have. Starting from the creation, how God has created the universe in 6 days to how the end of time would occur. God has provided His word through Bible as a means.

People as before still refuse to believe in the Bible. Due to the many speculations arising because of their unbelief, the need for evidentialists arose.
Greek theologia was used with the meaning discourse on God. Roger Williams was an American Protestant Theologian, John Lowden Knight, Albert Boynton Storms are few of the famous theologians.  Christian Apologetics in the field of the Christian Theology aims to present a rational basis for Christian faith, defend the faith against objections and expose the perceive flaws of other world views.  Writers such as Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas and many as C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, William Lane Craig have based their defense of Christianity on favoring the historical evidences.
It is hard to pinpoint when the movement started but 1968 seems to be a reasonable date. During this year, two prize winning essays were written in Copenhagen one byNiels Peter Lemche, the other byHeike Ferris, which advocated a complete rethinking of the way we approach the Bible and attempt to draw historical conclusions from it

C.S. Lewis in his work gave an outline of the Bible. During the old times people with their evil ways have departed away from God and began to sin, since no one was free form sin they couldnt deal with God directly. God had revealed Himself to people in the way that they can understand. To Abraham God said that he and his progeny would be called a means for saving all humanity. To this end, He gave the law to Moses. The resulting cycles went through sin and repentance yet the law could not save them. Jesus brought the perfect understanding of the law, love and salvation.  By His death and resurrection all who believe are saved and reconciled with God.


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