
The word Judaism derives from the Hebrew text and means Judah. This religion started as a relationship between God and the Children of Israel. . It was created 3500 years ago in the Middle East. The religion was founded by Moses but traces its origins to Abraham. It is one of the Abrahamic faiths which includes Christianity and Islam.  (Lange, 2010)

Jewish followers believe in a covenant which is signed between them and God. The Jews follow Gods principles as this covenant binds God to take special care of them.  The Torah is the most essential document of Judaism. It was revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai over a period of 50 days (Lange, 2010). It incorporates the written and oral law practiced by the Jews.

There are various Jewish practices and holidays. Amongst them is the Days of Awe is the first date in the Jewish calendar and a time for those who have sinned to ask for repentance. Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights which celebrates Jewish freedom and involves the lighting of candles, giving of gifts and playing driedel.  (Lange, 2010)

The Jews practice 10 commandments that concentrate on the presence of one God and denounce any other Gods. They also lay down basic principles like staying away from adultery, lies and murder.  (Lange, 2010)

Judaism is divided into different sects. These include conservative and liberal Jews. Humanistic Judaism is another form which practices a non-theistic religion concentrating on the Jewish society rather than religious principles. (Lange, 2010)

Children of Israel are the children born from Jacob. The Hebrew Bible promises these children the land of Israel. The attempts to remove Judaism from Europe led to the Holocaust six million Jews were killed.

The religion is a strong and widely practiced form in the world today. It is divided into various sects but each concentrate on the oneness and divinity of God.


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