Religion in Syrian Schools

In this paper, we will analyze the situations in Syrian educational system to see if it is still appropriate to extend the study of Religion up to Secondary level. We will discuss further some possible amendments that can be done in the curriculum to provide higher academic excellence.

Academic goals serve and should only serve as the framework of any efforts used by the government in creating rules on educational system, then, anything that has less significance in achieving this goal must be abolished.

People craved for liberation in schools. If we are going to take a look at the education situation in Syria, since 1967, major changes already happened including nationalization of 300 Christian and 75 Muslim schools that primarily have western style and teaching foreign language. Blamed for this action, Christian family decreased thru emigration and most of schools became public. Thru efforts of wealthy Syrians, by 1990s, they rebuilt private schools mostly funded by businessmen, apparently with the considerations on class size, safety reputation, and special programs. Where the children will be studying became a major consideration of parents in choosing between private and public schools since many factors correlates to a schools ability to execute on its academic goals. Given that public schools tend to be limited on its ability to provide special programs the hardship of these people in building private schools provide supplement on educations further needs. Private schools in Syria enjoyed the freedom of designing its curriculum in relevance to the actual needs of its students. Since religious studies are not part of their curriculum, they are able to concentrate more on technical subjects and other advanced topics.  (Landis, 2003,p.3).

Syria shares the same school ladder with Jordan and Egypt since 1967 upon signing the Arab Cultural Unity Agreement. In this system, which includes religious study, students undergo six years of compulsory primary education, three years of lower secondary education, and three years of upper secondary education (Country Studies, 2010).

With this length of scholastic process, on the part of students, is it appropriate to rely on the way traditional religious studies are taught in public school and should we keep it being taught despite the fact that more technical skills needs to be focused on

Education would affect not just on the mind but more profoundly on the character of an individual thru influences and involvement in sharing social views. A nations success in its endeavors for education, better than being good in statistics of literacy rate and number of students going to school, must be analyzed according to its ability to uplift lives, morality, and skills of those students who will consequently replicate the quality of its population. Thus, these students who are the potential work force must be equipped with knowledge, influences and skills that will contribute in the way the nation is designed.

Some Facts about Religious Studies and Syrian School
Importance of religious studies should be analyzed in reference to the social variables present in the community such as minority group since we are talking here about religion which is no doubt one of the main categories of ideologies that divides people.

Religious subjects, being part of their curriculum, extends from primary to lower and higher secondary level and Syrian schools teach either Christianity or Islam. In Syrias population of 90 Arab and the rest mostly Kurds and Armenians, 74 composed of Sunni Muslim, 12 composed of Alawite Muslim, 10 composed of Christian, 3 of composed Druze, and 1 of composed Jewish (Coleman, 2010,p. 2).

. Thus, Sunni Muslims, carrying the largest fraction, can determine the structure of how things will be taught and what ideas will be required. Whatever way this will be taught must be highly considered for this is taken as one of the most sensitive topic to be discussed

When people talk about religion, they tend to cross the optimum knowledge of Physics and go esoteric to understand supernatural sources. It discusses more about the beginning and end thru doctrines and further studies. In the end, it will reveal that it will provide a design on way a man should live, and most of the time, this way will be concluded as should be done by group. To assess the value of religious study, it seems better to ask if ways of living can be taught or must be taught and in what extent (Betts  Hawthorne, 1925,p. 21).

Religion as a school subjects promotes knowledge on its huge role in shaping world history. This, though, can be highly sensitive if it violates liberalism in religious choice. Precise facts should be carefully delivered and taught to avoid false impression. Inability to share the right figures will definitely violate its purpose (Haynes  Thomas, 2001,p. 90).

Teaching style varies depending on whos applying it and to whom will it be applied. Any kind of teaching shows great results when there is a good learning atmosphere and adequate information. Once applied in religion, it needs to be understood that another factor needs to be taken into consideration  relevance (UAB, 2010).

In Syria, students shows that they do not take religious study seriously because some senior students are ignoring this since it will not be a pre-requisite for college. Since it bears nothing in students grade, inability to pass this subject will not make any difference and the student will still advance in the ladder. The efforts in teaching religion goes nowhere even though it promotes their cultural ties with other Arab nation.  The curriculum itself became the sole believer that this subject is essential (Landis, 2003,p.2).

As argued by Joshua M. Landis (2003), in his work entitled Islamic Education in Syria Undoing Secularism, the religious study makes convictions on religion dictate ones political and social actions instead of being liberal. Aside from Christians, other religions seem to be enemies of Islam. Despite the fact that Syria is being ruled by someone from religious minority for 40 years, still, having Sunni Muslims as the majority of its population makes the religion studies concentrated mostly on Sunni Islam.

What should come first then as a consideration Should it be the ties with the long kept comrades or the vision of the future with the promise of uplifting the internal health of the nation

Syria in Comparison to its Neighbor
Looking at the actual design of a nations economy will give an idea on what kind of people do needed to be developed to contribute on its work force in the future

Taking a quick overlook on the history of its main resources, Syria, by 1990s, like other country in Middle East, relies on production and exportation of oil for their economic growth although in 2004, it moderately slowdown and Syria also become a net importer of oil then relied on exportation of their non-oil goods (Coleman,  2010,p. 59).

Despite the fact that there are similarities in geography and environmental conditions, Syria remains behind its neighboring country, Israel which has 95 to 99 literacy rate compared to their 80 in average. When it comes to economy, as Syria experienced constraints due to falling oil production, Israel remained dependent on importation of their crude oil. United States, aside from military assistance, have mostly funded and aided Israel thru all these economic triumph, something that is not enjoyed by Syria. Being closely situated to highly disturbed areas for years, both countries get involved in century old disputes on territories in Golan Heights which is largely occupied now by Israel (CIA, 2010).

Syria should sustain the way their economy is currently designed and have it improved by giving their population, specially the youth, the necessary education no more, no less.

Liberation in Curriculum and International Efforts on Education
Yes, government must take control over schools to have a uniform standard system but liberation, as what the private schools has in designing their curriculum, should be another privilege the institutions gain to make the manner of teaching more appropriate in achieving academic goals.  Why is it that made it hard for Syria to adopt a foreign system which couldnt be doubted to have better style
As discussed by John Daniel (2004), UNESCOs assistant director-general for education, Arab world are struggling to revive their traditional methods while some other countries, who does not have primitive system of education, can simply accept the new and recommended systems. It roots from the rich history of Arab community which already established their own habit for education. He also shared the UNDPs Human Arab Development report in 2002 which shows the weakness of Arab community when it comes to freedom, knowledge and womens empowerment.

UNESCO, in its advocacy to increase the accessibility of education in all countries, promotes the program called Education for all (EFA) and Arab nations participate in this international endeavor. In the meeting of Arab Education Ministers on EFA in Lebanon last 2003, they addressed those three weaknesses as the main focused area for them to reach the EFA goals. Education remains perceived as luxury in Arab region considering their enrollment ratio of 15.8, lower than developing countries 30.9 and gender disparities remained at large. Government took positive actions to resolve this thru their United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) and the Fast-Track Initiative (FTI) (Daniel, 2004).

EFA, even though it is still going thru different obstacles, made good start and looks forward to more achievements like making 75 million non-enrollees. Apparently, all of their goals will be met thru consistent international aid by private people and key partners in civil society who shares the same goal of multiplying the positive changes in peoples lives across the globe and so as in Arab region (UNESCO, 2010).

International efforts have already reached Syria. They should take advantage in gaining knowledge on school administration in global perspective that can help them modernize their means of uplifting the eager young mind of their students.

Vision for Syrian Education and Technical Subjects in High School
Where exactly we are looking ahead is the future with a height of advanced processes and procedures. Every country in the world already began to globalize, and its pace of advancement seems terrible. Whether on technical or non-technical aspects, the improvements of Syrias human resources will root in its foundations in school. The amendment of the government to the academic curriculum to meet this pace must be done as soon as possible. It should then focus more on technical skills like Math and Science instead of adding Religion studies. Foreign language can be another good option where the attention should be on.

Such, in Syria, medicine students became known as the brightest students because, by tiers determined thru special exams, only top students can afford to take Medicine course and those who followed that tier can take engineering course (South  Jermyn, 1995,p. 71).

Giving more focus on technical subjects, since applying on some universities will be categorized, will make way in giving the students more options on course theyre going to take in college.

Wrong Perception and Approach on Islam Studies and how can it Relate to Terrorism
Islam terrorism is self contradictory. Islam never support any act of violence and should never be involved or used to relate in terrorism activities. . Muslim community, though a fraction of its population was involved, cant still be equated to blood thirst and oppression. As the main doctrine of this religion, used by every Muslim community regardless of sect, Quran supports the proliferation of humanity thus, if there will be any valid excuse for waging a war, that should only be for the purpose of protecting life and defending interests  such as properties and virtues (Harun Yahya, 2010).

Muslims divide their community among sects due to some conflicts in history such as disagreement on how the group of followers should be ruled before. Though it may cost as one reason, this division of sects cannot be considered as a major factor of any form of violence such as terrorism in the Muslim world. To support this, Al Qaeda network, which is considered as one of well known terrorist group, doesnt share and stand on a sole belief and doctrine. Its members cant be grouped in one sect for they are either Sunni or Shiite Muslims. Thus, there can be hatred between sects but aside from that, unwanted situations may arise drastically due to political, social, and economic determinants (Blanchard, 2009,p. 1).

Terrorism pertains to the usage of violence in a massive scale which can easily catch public attention commonly carrying a goal of achieving political changes. These terrorists considered violence, not just to inculcate fear, but mostly to serve as their statement of opposition in any existing rules and situations applied in the society. The number of the possible causes cant be counted but can be categorized as political, religious or ideological. This act of lawlessness crosses, not just the Middle East, but more all over the globe (terrorism research, 2010).

Then, what makes the number of terrorist in Muslim community exponentially increase
Sophisticated terrorism traits give pictures to all existing characteristics and associated objects on modern day terrorists. Common children, residing in a city and going to school every day, can draw or tell you how a gun or bomb looks like without even holding and actually seeing it. They know how the gun works that with just a pull of the trigger, a man can be killed. They may not know it but they became aware of it since information is available in their environment with adult people concerning largely on their security. No school teaches terrorism and violence but school and any immediate environment may be the root of those desires of anyone for violence. Routines and habits seem to be the problem since arousal and not ideas and knowledge, as what school is offering, produce violence and this can only be brought down thru involvement in different practices and positive habituation (Horgan, 2005,p. 3-4).

We could have it avoided if such sensational topic will not define the young people instead should only serve as a guide for them in life. Religion being studied in primary school is enough and should no longer be taught in secondary schools where students in the stage of puberty are even having more personal and more dynamic issues.

Curriculum must be amended in its ways of teaching religion or must have this subject fully abolished in secondary education unless the rate of misunderstood lessons in Islam will be decreased. The Syrian government pushes religion to be part of the education system for it to take part on building the nation but due to lack of uniformity in its structure, students tend to have misconceptions on practices and beliefs between their sects (Landis, 2003,p. 7-9).

Teaching Islam differs a little with teaching any other subjects as right pedagogy will be applied considering that Islam also consists of facts and is a well diverse topic. Although, if theories will be removed and students rely on objective approach on Islam, study of this religion will let the students garnered specific knowledge and support it with general principles. Thus, if it will still be pushed to be part of the curriculum, liberal way of teaching it can be the best method or schools can instead prioritize the better option of  providing trainings which involve critical thinking, effective arguments, reading and other forms of liberal arts education (Wheeler, 2003,p.13-16).

Aside from technical skills, schools must develop the critical thinking skills of students and equip them with logical strength. Critical thinking provides the students the preparation in making sound judgment which is essential in making choices and participating in arguments. It enhances a persons ability to separate truth from falsity and critical choice will benefit a person in making things in favor of him instead of letting others do the thinking. The ability to reason out supplies the opportunity to make the best decisions, to solve problems and to judge fairly (Hughes  Lavery, 2004,p 20-25) .

According to Central Intelligence Agencys World Fact book (2010), Syrian somehow understood French and English as Arabic remained as their official language while Kurdish, Armenian, Aramaic and Circassian are widely understood.

Teaching English and French intensively, given that the population already has foundation on this, can be another subject to focus on for them to increase the advantage in foreign and diplomatic relations with the western region.

Considering that privately owned school institutions are able to make innovations on their standards thru the use of their liberal initiatives, government should do all amendments required to increase the productivity of scholastic performance. Traditions served as the nations guide on how are they going to provide the peoples demands but what they can provide for the benefit of the majority relies on careful study and assessment on current situations.

Religious study helps promote the legacy of Syrias traditions and preserve the long kept cultural ties with the rest of the Arab world such as with Jordan and Egypt. Removing Islamic and other religious studies from secondary curriculum and giving more focus on essential secondary subjects will equip Syrian population with more effective skills that can extend to the improvement of Syrian work force to promote their economy.

Every endeavor provided for education should direct solely in one end goal which is academic excellence.  It can all be summed up to maximizing the relevant and beneficial considerations and diminishing or modifying, if not fully eradicating, the lesser beneficial factors in making a more stable and reliable human resources of tomorrow.  


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