Religion Essay

Section 1
2. Writing a book on the Origin of the Universe will be acceptable if it is written in a way that school students feel easy to read and understand it. For that purpose we can shape the book in a proper way. There will be a title page, Preface, contents page, body of the book and at the end Index. In the body of the book we describe the different theories concerning to Origin of the Universe. These theories are as follows.

(i) The Big Bang Theory
(ii) Steady State Theory
(iii) Pulsating Theory

I will explain these theories in a style. Contents of the body are as theory name, definition and detail of the theory. Details are explained with the help of diagrams. At the end of each theory a quiz is written to test the student understands. This way of writing is liked by the school board. We have given a structure to theories that is easy to understand and its diagrams are also briefly explained with marks. Therefore school board has approved our writing in the book.

Section II
1. Studying the Old Testament is a valuable. I am greed with this statement. Old Testament is never forgotten. With out Old Testament we can not understand Jewish customs that are mentioned in passing in the New Testament. We would not understand the why Jesus was as upset as he cleansed the courtyard of the temple. We would not understand that how we can use the same wisdom that Christ used in his many replies to his adversaries. We can not understand that how can we live peacefully as preached by holy prophets. The Old Testament has many lessons for us through the lives of many fallible characters. Old Testament has large quantities that New Testament has not shared. Values of Old Testament study are not limited to Jewish and Christians, these have same and sound grip on the other religions. People follow the truths and beliefs of the elders of their religion.

I will conclude it that Old Testament is a mirror that asks us to see in it the lives of Old Testament characters and helps us to learn from their lives. It contains so much wisdom that is beyond the allusions in New Testament.


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