The Book of Ruth

Ruth is a four  chapter book that is considered as a stunning success because of its literary value and romantic elegance. Aside from these, it also gives an informative glimpse into the prehistoric living in the Israel. This book shows a classic love story about loyalty and devotion.

The focus of this book is about the story of the two widows, Naomi and her daughter  in  law, Ruth. The chronicle starts when the family of Elimelech, the husband of Naomi, migrated to Moab together with their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion because of a famine. The boys take wives the two Moabites namely Orpah and Ruth. They live there for about ten years. The death of Elimelech and both sons, make Naomis life impoverish, thats why she decided to go back to Israel upon hearing that the condition in her native land, Bethlehem, has turned for the better. Naomi encourages her daughter  in- laws to go back to their own land and continue living with their own people. Unwillingly, Orpah, one of the girls, follows her advice. But Ruth remains and refuses to leave while saying one of the most famous commitments in the Holy Scriptures

Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee for whither thou goest, I will go and where thou lodgest, I will lodge thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. (Ruth 116, 17)

Both women return to Bethlehem. Since it is the beginning of barley harvest, Ruth gleans in the field after the reapers for her to support herself and Naomi. Her seed of love and perseverance catches the attention of Boaz, the handsome landowner. Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz is a close relative. This man shows kindness, favor and respect to her because he witnesses the love and devotion that she offers to her mother  in  law. He even performs the role of a Kinsman  Redeemer or also known as a Goel to them. Through his help and actions, Naomi receives again her forfeited lands and Ruth becomes his wife. They become the ancestors of King David and Jesus.

Ruths determination and faithful commitment to Naomi as her mother - in  law creates a dramatic romance because it is not common for a daughter  in  law to be with her mother  in  law when her husband already passed away. But because she will be included in the fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming king her commitment becomes the strongest point for her to be worthy as one of the line in the family tree of the Messiah. She yields a hard to believe impression about Gods plan of redemption. The keyword of this book is the word redeem which means to buy back the things that are lost. Boaz, a relative of Elimelech, shows the exact example of redeeming when he buys back all the assets of Naomi and returns it to her and even marries Ruth. Just like Boaz, Jesus also bought us, not with the things on this earth but with His own precious blood.

The Book of Esther
This is the only book that God is not mentioned but there is a movement of the presence of God. The story happens during the reign of King Ahasuerus. This king holds a feast for his officials and servants for them to be informed of his riches and excellent majesty. When King Ahasuerus is merry with wine, he commanded his eunuchs to bring Queen Vashti to the banquet. He wants to show the beauty of his queen to everyone. But she refuses to come at the kings command. Because of that, the king is furious. The action of the queen alarms the people of the highest rank in the kingdom. They demand a punishment for Vashtis disobedience. King Ahasuerus evicts her from the palace and makes a decision of having another woman who is better that her. The king orders a decree that there will be a beauty pageant for all the beautiful young virgins at Shushan, the citadel. The woman who will be chosen will be the next queen.

Mordecai, Esthers uncle, hears the announcement and he brings her to the place under the custody of Hegai. Because Esther is lovely and beautiful, she obtains the favor of the king. King Ahasuerus loves Esther so much more than all the other women, so he sets the royal crown upon her head and makes her the queen. But Mordecai tells Esther not to reveal her family background.

Bigthan and Teresh, two of the kings eunuchs, are angry with the king and plot to assassinate the king. But Mordecai overhears it and tells Queen Esther about it. The queen informs the king and he orders the conspirators to be hanged. Haman, the son of Hammedatha, is promoted as the senior minister. He executes the decree that everyone must bow and pay homage unto him. But Mordecai refuses to follow the decree for having a reason that he is a Jew. Haman is filled with wrath. He commands the destruction not only of Mordecai but of all the Jews who are throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus. Queen Esther is updated by Mordecai on the danger to come to her people.

Mordecai pleads for the help of the queen. The queen takes courage and visits the king. With the help of her feminine wiles, she persuades the king to give her the fulfillment of any wish. She wishes to hang Haman because of his intention to kill all the Jews. The king grants her request and the people of God are saved because of the courage that she has shown in front of the king.  

Esthers courage saves all the Jews despite the fact that her own life will be the substitute of her action because there is a rule that anyone is prohibited to see the king unless he is called.


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