What Makes a Person to be Good

Small or big, everyone is guilty of committing not just one or two sins in a lifetime. As creatures of God, we are all bound by morality. Our parents, friends, teachers have lectured us since our birth not to perform any wrongdoing so that we will not hurt anybody. But what if our act does not hurt anyone, will it still be a sin

In the book The Storm by Kate Chopin, Calixta, a wife to Bobinot and a mother to Bibi, took advantage of her isolation during a storm to commit an affair with a past love named Alcee. The writer has used the storm as a symbolic meaning which can be taken to mean as a strong desire. The storm reflects their arousing sexuality within their bodies. It was when rain was pouring that Calixta and Alcee let their longing for each other prevail more than their conscience. And that like any other storm, their intense passion ended and they went back to their normal lives without letting others know what happened.

If Bobinot will not know about it, can Calixta still be judged as a sinner Yes. It was stated in the book of Exodus, chapter 20, verse 3-17 of the Bible the Ten Commandments of God, which states that we should not commit adultery and we should not want our neighbors wife. These rules are set to be followed by us as we live. Calixta and Alcee sinned when they did not use their ability to reason out and forgot about morality. Bobinot may not know about it but the fact that we think and not even act of wanting our neighbors wife is already a sin. Sin, in this case, explains that we might not hurt another person when we do an act but it is our self and God whom we hurt with what we do. Calixta may not tell her husband but it does not change the fact that she committed and offense against moral and religious law.

Human beings are uniquely distinguished from the rest of the creatures in the animal kingdom for their ability to reason out. This ability is a God-given free will used to respond to everyday challenges. God could have created all of us perfectly but that would simply shake off our chances of growing. So does that mean God wants us to commit sin  No, He wants us to learn and use our ability to reason out of what is good and what is bad or to or not to do. He leaves it to us to make a decision in accordance with His teachings. God wants Calixta and Alcee to recognize their sins.


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