The crusades

The Crusade is a topic which has been discussed extensively but in different dimensions. As a result this topic has varying interpretation that leaves one at a point of confusion. It is therefore not very clear. However in this discussion we try to analyze, can we get the real meaning of The Crusades out of the ambiguity and the overall optimistic and unenthusiastic outcomes of this movement
The institution of holy war was important since the non Christians found a new way of gaining salvation. Mostly they were not compelled to abandon their worldly affairs fully by choosing the simple life or any religious occupation, as it used to be the tradition. However, they could achieve some measure of Gods grace at the same time they could pursue their individual professions with the freedom and also dressing the way were used to. The Crusaders recognized that they were performing atonement and this was crucial because it had greater impact on their salvation in future. They reacted to the stress from the urban that they needed to be sorrowful because of sins hence they yearned for forgiveness. In addition, they joined mission so that they could attain pardon from God because of the crimes they had committed.

They reflected about their sins and visualized on the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ who became poor for their own sake. In return they concluded, I have determined to repay him in some measure for everything he has given me freely, although am unworthy. And so I have decided to go to Jerusalem, where God was seen as a man and spoke with men and to adore in the place where his feet trod. In this section we get the concrete meaning of the Holy War. It was significant in their lives one was freed from sins and made whole again. It was only by recognizing the majesty of Jesus Christ, the way he died on the cross for their sins, that one received forgiveness of sins. As a result of this they had decided to go to Jerusalem which was the Holy city. In this city they believed that various things would take place such as return of the savior, appearance of Anti-Christ and general Resurrection. Therefore the pilgrims visited Jerusalem regularly, and everyone had an obsession with the city because of the holy places. There were also relics from Jerusalem and these were sheltered in most of the churches.

It was the aim of Jerusalem that led crusade to be war and also a pilgrimage. They also regarded it as a journey for the Christians to meet in Jerusalem in order to battle for God against the Muslims and pagans. They commented, On the one hand for the grace of the pilgrimage and on the other, under the protection of God, to wipe out the defilement of the pagans and the immoderate madness through which innumerable Christians have already been oppressed, made captive and killed with barbaric fury. In addition to the First Crusade being a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, it also contributed to the Crusaders practicing penitential war. They argued that if anyone joined the army for the sake of devotion, not to gain material things, but for the deliverance of their souls and freedom of the church then, he or she was allowed to substitute the expedition for all penance which was imposed because of their sins. Through the mercy of God and the prayers of the Catholic Church, relieve them of all penance imposed for their sins, of which they have made a genuine and full confession. In this section it is clear that the Holy War and Penitential War were started on a positive note. The crusaders had an aim of liberating their fellow Christians from the oppression by the pagans and the Muslims. In addition they wanted to recapture Jerusalem which was regarded as the Holy city. This is where they worshipped and also they believed that resurrection will take place in this city. They also believed that anyone who joined the army for the sake of delivering their souls then he was pardoned all the sins. Therefore the crusaders fought against the Muslims to acquire their own land and also to be se free and liberate the church. We observe that they believed that if one joined the army for the sake of devotion but not to attain material wealth, then God will have mercy on them and forgive them all their sins. It is therefore clearly portrayed that the Crusaders were in search of a true worship where they could communicate with God while their hearts are set free from any kind of transgression. In addition they showed brotherly love and concern for their colleagues who were under slavery. As a result they had to devise a way to liberate them so that they could also worship their God. This showed how the crusaders were in unison and the way they had to fight for their rights for that reason these wars were valuable if they had to worship God. As a religion they found identity when they shared, we learn that their way of worship did not make them servants. However, they could worship and at the same time continue with their profession. In addition, their religion allowed them to maintain their old customs the way of dressing was not restricted hence they had all the freedom.

On the other hand, analyzing the impact of the crusades it had some negative effects and had far reaching economic, political and social impacts. Others have lasted up to present-day times. The Christian kingdoms had internal conflicts and political supremacy and therefore they diverted from their original aim. For instance, in some instance the Crusade finally led to sacking of Christians Constantinople and also division of the Byzantine Empire between the Crusaders and Venice. Therefore Crusade movement really had negative effect and resulted in conflicts not only with the non Christians but also with their fellow Christians. They were ineffective since those people who survived and their children were very much disillusioned by the Christianity faith .Some criticize the Holy War and argue that it was selfishness and it was an act of prejudice in the name of God. Reviewing these comments, it is really the exact truth since the Christians were led by greed and selfish ambitions that made them kill other human beings.  For example, we find Peter and his followers who were impatient and decided to proceed without the rest of the crusaders band. As a result they started raiding finally we observe that the Germans and Italians had a conflict. Each group elected their leaders. As a result of their division they were overcame by the Turks. Those people who decided to apostatize were taken to the Eastern side while the rest were killed. In this instance we find how innocent followers were brutally killed and there was no compensation. This also indicates how some of the crusaders were led by greed for power and fame. If they had a common motive and really fought to achieve it then they could not fight for leadership, they could also remain as one party. Although they regarded crusade as pilgrimage which was meant to fulfill their usual function as warriors, we find that the sophisticated liturgies, penitential marching and the fasts were exaggerated.

The fasting was inflicted upon the soldiers who were malnourished and this happened every time before crucial engagement. Laymen were obliged to make vows which appeared to be temporarily true but they were common to monastic kind of profession. On the other hand, exigencies who were involved in the campaign had inflicted poverty on them and they were supposed to have imposed celibacy. They were therefore treated like monks who behave like exiles from the ordinary world. The crusaders had blindly taken their crosses so that they could follow Christ. They had left their wives, children and shamba because of the love of God. In addition they enslaved their bodies by risking their lives out of their affection for their brothers. We learn that they were involved in habitual communal devotions like the monks. They also had a corporal interior journey where they visited Jerusalem. They practiced monasticism since there was swift transfer to crusading of images and expressions. They therefore observed the way of the cross, the knighthood of Christ, spiritual warfare and the way to a heavenly Jerusalem.The crusades therefore acted as a way of torture and they no more had freedom since their leaders acted as dictators. The meaning of crusade had lost its focus and the members seemed to follow blindly without questioning. We observe how they were mistreated and went ahead risking their lives through starvation and risky expeditions which never had any achievements. On another instance we learn that the Parish priests were in charge of regulating recruitment. There was nobody who was allowed to carry the cross without informing his parish priest in order to get some advice. However, the parochial organization was not yet satisfactory to handle mass recruitment. Therefore Bishops were required to enforce the execution of vows, even though it was impossible to rule out if those who fulfilled their vows during the third wave did so as a result of warning of excommunication or due to inspiration or due to disgrace as a result of the news related to liberation of Jerusalem. It is evident that the crusaders followed this movement as a result of threats from their leaders. We also learn that they were always under slavery of fear, most of the activities they performed they did to avoid excommunication. The religion had lost its meaning since the believers never found fulfillment in this kind of worship however, it was torture and persecution. The priests now seemed to be like another god who required to be sought before any decision was passed. This was really a contrast of what we expect because initially their aim was to worship the true God and follow Jesus Christ who died for their sin on the cross.

Churchmen who were present during the crusades neither hindered the massacres of Jews around 1096, nor the development of a secular city in Palestine in 1099. In addition, it was observed that the laity had an attitude of sovereignty this was as a result of the seizure of an artifact that is the Holy Sepulcher, which attracted their attention, instead of any expression of love for their fellow believers who lived in the East. Also the pope could not prove to them that that those people who had passed before fulfilling their vows would enjoy the reduction of their sins. Large number of people had taken the cross because their close relatives had passed away during the second wave before they arrived in Jerusalem.This shows this religion was led by leaders who were after their own pleasure but never directed their congregation to the worship of God. It is surprising that even the church leaders had diverted their motives and they no longer cared for other believers. In conclusion, the crusade finally lost its purpose since it resulted to be a dictatorship religion and every leader sought to get sovereignty. In addition we observe that the most of the members followed the movement only because their relatives had expired during the second wave before getting to Jerusalem. It was therefore insignificant to join this religion because their spiritual needs were no longer met however believers were simply under torture.


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