Mythical Exploration

The presence of a multi central world is an age old truth, and it is something that man has grappled with since times immemorial. How does one deal with a reality that one does not identify with The answer is simple one has to accept the existence of a polycentric world, and even welcome the potential good it can do. I believe that it is this dual existence which in a sense moulds us and defines who we are. It is what equips us to deal with a world not entirely like the one we create. Each individual is polycentric in himself, and the sooner he recognizes that fact, the better it is for his personal growth.

The value in the presence of multiple cultural centers simultaneously is immense, and often undermined. It is what essentially leads to the diversity that exists in modern society. If there was the presence of a singular cultural center for all of humankind then it would definitely hamper the learning and development curve of society as a whole, and surely the evolution of man himself. Imagine a world with only men Or for that matter a society existing of only the so called Western way of living. We would never know of an Eastern philosophy of life, which values the institution over self, and prides in communities like the family and society. This singular vision would not only be myopic, but would also be dangerous. In fact, the world is moving towards a space where we become more and more inclusive, and thus create even more cultural centers than ever before. This is important simply because the minority has the right to be heard too, and to exist in the manner it fits to be. This is also the notion that binds arguably a successful form of governance, which is the democracy. The democracy intends to give everyone a voice, and a voice that need not be in tandem with the larger, bigger, louder voice. From here stems the notion of dissent, a key factor in the running of any democratic government in the world. Dissent while seemingly negative and obstructive from the outside, is actually what questions the righteousness of the major voice, and ensures that this voice does not take advantage of its supremacy position. This is the value that multiple cultural centers bring to the table.

The concept of a cultural conflict is not new. The world has witnessed enough wars which are a test to this. Hitler and his anti- Jew stand, religious riots across the globe (as an example, Hindu- Muslim riots in India), the marginalization of women in several societies all point to the lack of understanding towards the presence of multiple cultural centers. This is a grave issue, especially in modern times, since no longer is the small center content with being treated inferior simply due to the size it possesses. And certainly, this is an issue that needs immediate addressing. According to me, the best way to avoid such conflicts would be simply to disseminate as much knowledge about the various cultural centers as possible. Hostility and animosity breeds in an atmosphere which is peppered with ignorance. We feel that our culture is the way life should be simply because we dont know enough about what the other persons culture is. If we are armed with information about the existence of several other realities, apart from ours, then we will learn to admire them and possibly seek a sense of synergy in how they exist. This will reduce conflict because we will no longer see the other culture as being against our culture, or what we stand for, but just another way of life.

The notion of one cultural construct taking precedence over the other is in my viewpoint a very dictatorial way of doing things. It is akin to saying that might is right. It stems from our need to make a conformist out of everyone. But we are able to appreciate life so much because we know the various diversities that exist in it. Hence there is a need to make different constructs co-exist with each other. Men and Women are equal. The East and the West both have their equal strengths and weaknesses. Caucasians and Aryans are both races of equal stature. Ying and Yang are two sides of the same coin.

Despite such compelling arguments for the peaceful co-existence of different cultural constructs, this is actually far from the truth we see. In fact, several movements in the history of mankind have been initiated due to the complexity of our polycentric existence. But that is expected. That is the basis of dialogue and discussion. And herein lays the answer. Why do wars happen Potentially because the two warring sides both want the same thing. Is it a possibility that they both can have it Or decide through talk who needs or rightfully owns it more Similarly, at a more personal level, one would bridge gaps in the various centers through an active dialogue and appealing to the symbiotic possibilities that the polycentric situation would throw up. Taking an example, we often feel that men are more practical, and women more emotional. While that maybe a gross generalization, it actually is insightful since it shows how the behaviour of two different constructs can vary and not be opposing to each other, but actually complement each other. Together they add, and not subtract. Similarly, there are several social implications of being a homosexual. This is a cultural construct that is definitely the minority, and has struggled for equality since kingdom come. Bridging the gap here would come from understanding and recognizing this as a way of life, and realizing that this culture wants the same things as everyone else.

Just as a Chinese man wants a good meal at the end of his hard working day, so does the Italian. The beauty of our polycentric world is that while the Chinese man might end his day on a bowl of hearty pasta, for the Italian it just might be chowmien.


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