Holistic Concepts of the Methodist Faith

The Methodist faith is a branch of Protestantism that branched out of Christianity. The religion most has similar traditions and beliefs to Christianity with regards to God and the Holy Trinity. The concepts and traditions are also similar even in the founding principles. However, the differences of Methodism rely of their unique way of viewing life together with religion. The Methodists have articles or  commandments  that guide them and these articles involved principles in governance, civil authority and other practicalities in daily life. This part of their religion is the one being challenged due to its unholy and very artificial nature. In terms of ceremonies like baptism and communion, the Methodists have affirmed to the ways of Christianity. Generally, there is no big difference between Methodism and the other sects of Protestantism or even Christianity, t the differences just lie on their enactments and literal understandings.

The Methodist Faith is a form of religion under Protestantism, which stemmed out of Christianity. It was formed in the year 1739 through Reverend John Wesley (Luccock, 1926). Similar to Christianity, Methodism has a lot of interrelated concepts and beliefs. The Methodists has three basic principles and these are reject evil, perform good deeds, and abide by the decrees of the Lord. These three principles are very common to Christianity and as a Christian, I firmly affirm to these concepts of Methodism. Similarly the Methodist Church also have their own doctrines which is related to Christianitys Ten Commandments (Luccock, 1926). These doctrines have very close similarities with the beliefs of Christians and some of these similarities are God is all-powerful and ever-living, Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Jesus Christ is the way truth and light, Jesus is God on Earth, and following the Word of God. These similarities in the Doctrine of Methodism are a good sign of faith because at least Roman Catholics have ways to connect to other Christian. Some of the commandments or principles of the Methodists can also be observed to have a touch of logic and practicality which the Christian world doesnt adhere to. Additionally, traditions in Methodist Church also involve baptism and communion (Harper, 1983). The Methodists believe that these traditions are required in order to renew the connection with God aside from being a sacramental activity. This sacramental ceremony and similar doctrines of the Methodists doesnt draw a lot of attention and doesnt get challenged by the prevailing Christians   the Roman Catholics.

On the other hand, the main differences of beliefs and traditions of Methodists which are challenged are the following the use of too much logic and reasoning, and differentiated types of graces from God. Furthermore, these types of Graces from God are believed by Methodist to come at different times from the Holy Spirit. Consequently, the types of grace are divided into three and these are prevenient, justifying and sanctifying. These traditions of upholding different graces at different times are the ones being challenged by most prevailing religions.  One of the main complication in the Methodists concept is the concept of homosexuality. The Methodists similar to the Christians oppose homosexuality and oppose same sex marriage, how ever the Methodists firmly believe the they must recognize the rights of individuals (Harper, 1983). Additionally, this means that while they oppose the same sex marriage, Methodists still allow or same sex marriage to happen in civil processes. This is one of the most challenged concepts in Methodism.

Similarly, other concepts of Methodists include doctrines that doesnt appear  Holy  or religions in nature as these doctrines suggest a practical aspect. An example of this doctrine is

Article XXIII Of the Rulers of the United States of America The President, the Congress, the general assemblies, the governors, and the councils of state, as the delegates of the people, are the rulers of the United States of America, according to the division of power made to them by the Constitution of the United States and by the constitutions of their respective states. And the said states are a sovereign and independent nation, and ought not to be subject to any foreign jurisdiction.

The doctrines of the Methodists contain similar provisions related to governance, civil laws and authority. I believe that these provision doesnt really look like God-made or God-sent. The practicality involved in the logic and reasoning of the Methodists are the main criticism of the religion. Lastly, Ministers of the Methodists religion are also allowed to marry according to their concept of God having no direct command on them (Luccock, 1926). Overall, most of the beliefs of the Methodists are connected to Christianity however some doctrines are being challenged because of its artificial and practical nature.


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