The Evils of Idolatry

(Summarized from the Islam Point of View)
There are different religions around the world.  As the bible of the Christian said- more and more sects and religion will proliferate.   Various types and forms in reaching the god, Allah or the creator are used across the country.   One form of which is through idolatry or a form of worshipping god.  The Islamic religion one of the earliest religion in the world has a very strong contention regarding the idolatry.  In page 487- Surah 1026-28 of Quran it stated how many are blinded by worshipping.  There is no other superior Lord than Allah.  Allah is the one and only god that we all must believe.

Can any of your idols guide you to the truth Allah can guide you to truth.  Who is more worthy to be followed He that can guide to the truth or he cannot and is himself in need of guidance What has come over you that you cannot judge Allah cannot be substituted by idols with white faces and long hair.  No one has ever seen Allah, thus Christians and other religion have only invented the figures of their idols.   The problem with idolatry is that people are led to the wrong way.  They are worshipping figures, totems and symbols that are fallacious, driving people not to Allah but to the dark side.  They are made to believe that when you ask help from the idols, the god will give it right away.

In Koran, all good deeds will be reciprocated by Allah by good ones also.  Thus, worshipping, praying or talking to god alone is being fatalist.  Koran is the only book of the creator that is undoubtful because it has confirmed what was revealed before it and fully explain the Scriptures.   Therefore, there is no doubt in its content.  Questioning what it has stated means questioning the words of Allah.


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