Man was created for about three divine reasons which include glorifying God, to be His ambassadors in the world and to serve others the way we expect to be served. We are entrusted with spiritual gifts and ministries of the church so that we should embrace Christ in all our daily activities. In worshiping we seem to priotised God in all our daily activities and above all things that we have which are His. The church is a selected place of worship where all activities are determinedly focused on Him and all its adherents all gathered around Him with continual praises. God should be worshiped because he is very wealthy of all good things that men want and He gives to anybody who asks for the same without any consideration.

In worshipping God every Christian church at least sings some hymns and the primary goal of incorporating music in church activities is spiritual rather than musical. Music is a very important component in every occasion in every community. Imagine when a child is born all the people sing with ululations and the child cries in a lyrical manner and then all activities which follow afterwards are accompanied with singing for example at initiation there is singing at marriage there is singing when naming a child there is naming and lastly as one is being lowered into the grave people around will be singing.

Singing hymns in church
Hymns in church is instrumental in imparting some spiritual ideas as well as the denomination activities and makes memories and experiences stay for long in our minds. Singing is a way of praising God, offering petitions, praying and even preaching to others. In singing very good tunes, sometimes the congregation can be taken away that others will be found nodding and others will respond by some body movements. Hymn singing serves as a purposeful and coordinated action that elevates and enlightens any church service. Singing awakens thought and focuses attention on the spiritual matters presented in the service. It also expresses the thoughts of the congregation and their feelings enhancing unity in a congregation.

Use of technology in church music and worship
According to Mathew 16-14, worship must be offered in the right attitude and it is shouldnt be a matter of emotions but be offering the best unto God. True worship deserves devotion of the whole mind and heart not in apathy and contempt and should not be strictly a function or a routine activity but a way of living. The impulsive beauty of a singing congregation has powers to change chaos into order and discord into the music of the spheres (Science and Health, p255).

If there are days when the church used to worship in unison, the days are long gone as a result of protestant reformation in the sixteenth century. This was improved in the twentieth century after the inclusion of technology into church activities paving way for a liturgical worship. The traditional forms of worship which existed were very devotional to the ethics of the church and that is when the church was moving in one voice.

With improvement in technology, this has also been embraced into church activities so that we have a wide reach and also to bring the ancient to the present. For example the use of videos and projectors covers a big congregation minimizing the funds used to disburse the message. Once a reek philosopher, Aristotle, wrote that literature is a reflection of reality and the literature that we are shown by projectors about how Jesus was crucified and the way that we are supposed to worship God rekindles emotions in us that bring us closer to God.

With singing, technology has been embraced and in about all churches we have the praise and worship team which leads the singing in church.  The praise and worship team has a sole function of making sure that the peoples minds are in church and to create the right mood for the presenter to offer petitions to God. All churches in this twenty first century embrace technology in their singing and even some of the songs are stored in compact disks for people to go and watch at home.  The songs and even the sermons in compact disks can be carried away so that some one listens to them when he has humble time to do the same. This has increased the congregational coverage and in praising God this can happen while people are traveling and in any other place. It has removed the monopoly of the church as the only place which is used for worshipping God.

The use of media in preaching and singing programmes has also increased the congregational coverage besides improving the efficiency at which people listen to their favorite songs and favorite preachers. Preachers like Joel Osteen have increased their congregation through reaching to people of all continents via the media. Internet has also been instrumental in worship and this can be expressed through the various cites and through U-tube video clips. For quotes of inspiration from the Bible, this can be accessed through the Google option in the internet.

However by improvement in technology satanic actions are also on an increase. For example the spread of the propaganda that Jesus had married a woman by the name of Mary Magdalene has been highly refuted by almost all churches. The Vince code is a movie which let the minds of the clergy role because the allegations are against the biblical teachings. This form of propaganda taints the name of Christianity and further brings a negative connotation of technology being embraced in church activities.

The use of technology in singing has made congregations slaves in that we are in competition to ensure that we are at caliber with the neighboring churches. Churches are nowadays recognized as in how much they have in terms of assets in the technology sector. This is not devotion to god but a struggle to show off to other churches.

In the ancient church, all singing activities were done with a lot of devotion and embracing humbleness before God. As per the moment every church wants to acquire the loudest loud speakers and horn speakers so that they can scare Satan away. Singing has become a profession and even turned to a business and in this case the involved parties tend to put money ahead as compared to serving God. Churches are in competition to produce as many volumes of songs as possible fundamentally for popularity and also to get money. The inherent need of serving god through it has been thrown through the window.


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