The Three Major Monotheistic Religions

Absolutely yes, the three salient monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam worship the same God and that why they are referred to as Semitic or Abrahamic religions. They originated from the Hebrews who believed that God was everything, most powerful, special protector and present everywhere.

These Abrahamic religions have several similarities and differences in their traditions and how they worship God. First, they all consider that hell is a place for everlasting punishment. For instance, in Islamic tradition, hell is a lake of fire where infidels or non-Muslims live in anguish, torment or ordeal. Jewish believe that the bodies of evil doers are send to Gehinnon (hell) where they are eternally burnt in a blazing pit. Similarly, Christian followers subscribe to the concept and believe that unsaved people will perish in hells fire forever. Besides, the Muslims recognize a number of the Christian and Jewish prophets, including Moses, Abraham and Jesus (though he is never considered as a Gods son).

On the contrary, the three Semitic religions have several disparities. For example, they all have a different presumption on the eternal life. Muslims suppose that eternal life is full of endless pleasures, comprising of eating and happiness. Jewish deduce that eternal life is enjoying the liveliness of divine presence. On the other hand, Christians presume that eternal life contains fellowship, service, worship and Praise.

Thus, Christians, Jewish and Muslims worship and believe in the same God, but on theological and practical level they differs in various aspects. While the content of their religious values contain common traditions, it varies wildly on other essential dogmas.


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