The Passion of the Christ

I always have enjoyed viewing religious movies because such films give me a chance to learn about humanitys vulnerability. For this reason, I have come to know the very basic story of Jesus life. When I saw the The Passion of the Christ movie, I really felt Jesus pain, his immense strength as well as his compassion. Although Gibsons movie was somewhat bloody for me, it gave me a clear visual idea of how awful Jesus suffering was. Specifically, I was touched to learn that such trouble was gods only avenue of saving humanity from Adamic sin. Moreover, Jesus depiction of his  pleasant qualities of non-vengefulness, humility, and benevolence were very instrumental in my spiritual life.

Firstly, it was very poignant to see jesus healing the wounded ear of one of his captors after peter chops it off. Such an act demonstrates that Jesus holds no grudge against his tormentors. Christ thus sets a good example for humanity to follow.

Moreover, when brought before Caiaphas, Jesus demonstrates profound  humility although he is the king of kings. For instance in response to Caiaphas question about whether he is really gods son, Jesus answers I am. Christ thus avoids engaging in chest-thumping by directly answering the question posed without unnecessary additions. Humanity is thus offered a perfect example of humility.

Ultimately, as he is about to expire, Jesus requests that god forgives Christs tormentors. By demonstrating such wholesome love, which provokes him to seek for the forgiveness of his oppressors while at the same time enduring suffering, Christ sets an ideal example for humanity. Humans are thus urges to espouse a forgiving nature as Jesus does. Such complete forgiveness of sins was gods reason for sending Jesus to earth.               


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