The Hearts Reason Hinduism and Science

Being the third largest and oldest religion in the world, Hinduism is one of the most fundamental theological foundations in our modern society that is grounded on traditions that are carried on from subsequent generations. Despite of this fact, however, Hinduism is able to defy one of the most controversial issues that is faced by all the other religions in the world and that is the clash of Science and Religion. An interview with V. V. Raman, a theoretical physicist and a Hindu scholar, by Krista Tippett depicts the healthy interplay of Hindu spirituality and scientific concepts in the life of a well-accomplished Hindu practitioner, an event that is also a representation of the general status of Science and religion in the perspectives of Hinduism.

Raman, born and raced in India and was educated with mathematical teachings and lesson in Physics, shared in the said interview that in the Hindu world, there is a clear distinction and no divide of scientific concepts and religious teachings. He said that it is possible to understand the analytical and logical framework of the world, concepts provided by Science, through deeper religious notions and appreciation of the daily natural phenomena. He also said that our modern culture assumes that Science and Religion provides different answers to similar questions but the truth is that these two fields are being scrutinized through conflicting questions. Raman even emphasized that the nature of the question why regarding events or natural laws clearly sets out the distinction of the explanation for the human mind but does not actually conflict one reason from the other. Aside from this, Raman pointed out the interplay of Science and Religion through the discussion of Hinduism concepts like multiple deities, karma, and numbers. In all of these explanations, the interviewee said that the beauty of the rationality of these concepts can be explained using scientific teachings while the religious concepts provide techniques on how to appreciate the empirically unexplainable aspects of these Hinduism thoughts. 
By analysis, it can be said that V.V. Raman is one of the few people nowadays who have the capability of appreciating Science and Religion simultaneously. It is good to know that scholars like Raman share their understanding of the healthy interplay of these two conceptual frameworks. Lastly, the interview to Raman is a substantial evident to lessen, if not totally eliminate, the imposed clash of science and religion.


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