Four Truths of Hinduism

By examining the four fundamental principles in Hinduism in Upadhyayaas Hinduism and
Buddhism, we find that these are also found in Buddhism
The four noble truths in Buddhism are suffering, cause of suffering,
way to do away with this suffering and the way to feel the state devoid
of suffering. They are not different from Indian Vedic traditions.

Both religions follow the principle of penance, restraint of passions, nonviolence and truth.
 In both the sitting posture in Padmasna, keeping feet on the thighs with hands in the lap
and control of breath are similar. Mediation under the peepal tree with closed eyes helps
 concentration in the effort to achieve spiritual elevation. The posture is straight and taut. Both
religions use saffron colored draped robes which are worn with the right shoulder left uncovered.
Both react to happiness and sadness in an identical manner, which allows for detached ways and
they endeavor to control their senses.

The religions do have some dissimilarity, but what is common to both religions is the subject
of dealing with the mind. Purification and steadfastness of the mind are aspects which are given
huge significance as with the control of the mind, man learns to subjugate the senses. The mental
state is dependant upon the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) are thoroughly
contingent upon sensory faculties that are understood to be material while mental experiences
enjoy a greater independence from physical bases.


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