
Sikhwithin Episode 55 is a compilation of Episodes 45-54, which gives listeners a glimpse over the previous programs. Episode 55 opens up with a heart-warming music. The host, Dr. Savi, welcomes his guest, the singer Sat Kirin Kaur, and they talk about Kaurs songs. According to the singer, her compositions are easy to follow and uplifting. Kaur is having a music tour around Europe in summer. The program goes on with an account of a surviving witness of the Sikh Holocaust that happened in 1984 where  were thousands of Sikhs were brutally killed following the assassination of Indira Gandhi. The pain in the witness voice is clear as he narrates what happened during that dark hour.  Most parts of the program actually are recollection of the brutal event in 1984 and other Holocausts world-wide, including the 911 terrorist attack in America. Sikhism condemns people who commit murderous acts as not human and likens them to Hitler. The religious group also shows genuine compassion and sympathy to all the victims of Holocausts. There is also a mention of Michael Jackson and his desire to unite the world. The program closes with a music that has an English title of Peace Has Begun.

Overall, Episode 55 is not boring to listen to because of the confessions of witnesses of tragedies and Sikh believers. They all have their own story to tell, which make the show interesting.  The music between the episodes also helps to break the monotony. Although I do not understand the lyrics, I find the songs soothing and melodious. But above all, I begin to understand Sikhism through this program. Sikhism is not about wearing long beard (for men), long hair, a robe and a turban it is about, among others, living with a disciplined lifestyle and conforming to morality. It is about showing selfless compassion and rendering genuine service to other people. This is Sikhism.


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