Sons of Heaven Christianity in China

The rise of Christianity in China is definitely going to have a pronounced effect on the future of the country and on the global business market as well. China, being one of the worlds leading powers in politics, business and trade, depends on its youth who are the main element in their workforce. Their focus on the future and technology goes hand in hand with their faith.

The governments push to ban personal religious beliefs leaves them with no moral path for conducting their life and work, so they have found that path in religion. The house churches, with their ability to spread quickly and meet without too much interference from the government are the perfect training ground for that morality.
There is a great need, as the article mentions, for trained preachers to help these young Christians to grow in their faith with a strong guiding hand.

Missionaries can provide the guidance and training, but must do so with caution. A delicate balance has to be struck between spreading the faith and bringing about change. I think that by training young preachers, then turning them loose to run the churches themselves, there will be a better chance of change occurring. We have to let them create the new world that will come out a morality based business approach, one that is based on faith.

The young people are showing that they are willing to learn and believe, and support from missionary work can help that. Once they have the knowledge in their hands and faith in their hearts, their society will begin to create a better world.


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