Learning by Example

The book of Matthew tells us, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 2819).  We ask, in our context, what exactly does this mean In the discussion mentioned, Rodney manages to suggest how we are to do this set an example.  It is a very simple thing to see on paper but in a world  especially in terms of business  where everyone is out to get more toys than everyone else, setting an example becomes not just difficult, but rare.  As Christians with the ultimate goal of living as Christ lived, we have to be mirrors of Christ Himself.  We must be able to show what He would do through how we act. From there, it wont be much of a surprise to see people seeing the good and doing the same.

The Great Temptation
The call of money is perhaps one of the major hindrances for a Christian.  When people lean towards the goal of getting richer by any means necessary, they forget about their responsibility to everyone else.  The world becomes narrowed down to gathering riches.  This is perhaps what you would call hell on earth. As Christians, we dont condemn property.  It is the excess of it and the greed behind obtaining them that makes it wrong.  In the end, being a good Christian comes down to how much we can let go of our property.  It is a case of how-much-can-you-give.  Madoff had gone too far when he started cheating other people for his personal gain and this is exactly what happens when people forget what they should strive for justice and life for everyone. What he did is the complete opposite and yet, all of us are tempted similarly.


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