Prayer as a Ritual of Worship

Based on the Bible, worship to God is obeying His commandment, and one of His commandments is praying. For a prayer to be acceptable to God one must have a pure heart and heshe must offer hisher whole being as a living sacrifice, which is certainly a complete act of worship. As it is written in Romans Chapter 12 verse 1, Saint Paul said I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of all the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice, holy   (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship. (NASB) Offering ones person is the true essence of worship unto God. But as the verse says, worship includes not just merely offering but a persons whole being must be cleansed from all iniquities - body, mind and heart - to be able to worship God. Part of worshipping is the ritual of praying, which is present in almost all religious denominations. Although common to most religion, the manner by which it is delivered or executed differs.

The first century Christians whom the Bible speaks of, prayed in silence because they believed that prayer is a private communication with God. They justify this manner with the verse in Matthew 66. They are free to speak the supplications of their hearts on their own words without repeating and memorizing which proves the intent of the heart. Referred today as Abrahamic religions, the early Christians have various forms of prayer, commonly petition, thanksgiving and worship. King Davids Book of Psalms is the largest book in the Bible composed of 150 religious songs regarded as prayers. Judaism, on the other hand, prays the siddur or the prayerbook that contains a set of daily prayers they recite three times a day, especially during Shabbat and other Jewish holidays. The CatholicOrthodox Church (which is the most widespread religion in the West and in almost all parts of the world) are repetitive, with which the Catholic has string of beads called the rosary.  There are different variations of the Catholic prayer - each is unique of a specific group.


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