The book of Daniel has been said to be containing messages of prophetic revelation by Christians and scholars. The book of Daniel especially chapters 2 and 7 give an explanation of the gentile kingdoms in history, while the other chapters reveal Gods plan to put Israel under captivity and the time of trouble to come. This forms the basis for the book of revelation which gives the detail of this period.
 The scriptures in the book of Daniel foretells the future especially chapter 9 which outlines a prophecy of seventy sevens and chapter 11 which contains the history of the kingdoms following Alexanders the great death (Walvoord 183).

The symbolic visions in the book of Daniel chapters 2 and 7 which were not fulfilled in history were said by the scholars to be signs of the last days. First there is a symbol of a stone which according to Christians represent Christ but scholars have interpreted this to be symbolic of the responsibility of the church to the fall of the Roman kingdom since Christians says that the kingdom established by the son of man is the first hence ignoring the existing Roman kingdoms, they view the stone inform of a political kingdom rather than a divine kingdom (Walvoord 170). There is also a prophecy on ten horns and little horns which symbolizes the end times. Daniel also talks of Nebuchadnezzars dream as part of what is to happen in eschatology (Daniel 231-33).

The input of the book of Daniel to eschatology is seen through the major theme presented in the book, which talks of relationship between Israel and the history of their nations which leads to the second coming of Christ. Scholars are driven mainly by the concern about the future of Israel. Therefore the book of Daniel deals with the end times period which is referred to as the day of eschatology.


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