The big picture of Abraham Reform Movement comprises of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Christianity, one of the gigantic movements- The Protestant Reformation was sparked in 1517 when Luther (1483-1546) wrote his famous 95 thesis. The reactions of the political leaders at that time led to as schism between the Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church.  During the centauries leading up to the Protestants Reformation, many western Christians were trouble by the doctrines and malpractices by the church.
The Eastern orthodoxy arose as a distinct branch of Christianity after the 11th Century it is officially separated from the western.  The majority of earlier Christian communities founded by St. Paul and his followers shared common beliefs and liturgy.  It practices the original ancient traditions believing in growth without change. The orthodox Christians believe in Trinity tends to emphasize the divine, pre exist nature of Christ
Amongst the Jews, the second oldest extant Jewish Movement is Reform Movement. The movement started in 1790s in Germany. Judaism and Jewish traditions should be modernized. The grandfather of Reform Movement was Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786). The Reform Movement has eyed traditional Jewish beliefs through the lens of liberal, such as autonomy, modernity and universalism. They use modern form of worship.
Zechariahs Frankel (1801-1875), who is cited as the Conservative Movements intellectual ancestor, felt that progressive leadership would build resentment and stimulate rebellion. Conservative Jews believe that Jewish law is capable of evolutions humans learn more about interpreting the Torah. Conservative Jews have an obligation to obey all the teachings and commandments of Judaism.
Buddhism and Hinduism were the most lance like and indelible reform movements in Asia.
Lord Buddha was the founder of Buddhism (563 BC). One of the two of great schools of Buddhist doctrine is Theravada Buddhism, it means -Doctrine of the Elders. It deals with the idea of self purification, it emphasizes to attain salvation through self efforts. This kind of conservative form is possible for monks and nuns. It has been quite a predominant religion of Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand.
Mahayana Buddhism emerged in India in the first century CE, this path is available to people from all walks of life and not only ascetics and monks. Its primary form of Buddhism in North Asia and the far East. It emphasizes a common search for universal salvation especially through faith alone.
Arya Samaj was one of the indelible reform movements of Hinduism, which was founded in the year 1875 by Swami Dayananda (1824-1883). He wanted to halt the Christian missionary onslaught and return to ancient Vedic tradition. He wanted to modernize Hinduism and re-absorb Hindus who had converted to Islam or Christianity.
The Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1828 by Ram Mohan Roy (1774-1833). It evolved in India where it differed from the existing as it did not believe in idol worship or caste system, the centre belief is that god is omni present and omniscient. The Brahmo Samaj has a great deal in common
with the other free churches of the world and is one of the founding members of -The International Association for Religious Freedom.
Reckoning the millennia of Asian History Reformation (Hinduism and Buddhism) and Abraham Reformations, a stark difference observed between these two can be that Asian Reformations were more about focusing on meditation, concentration and self salvation (Buddhism) purifying religion , eliminating the evil practices and caste system (Hinduism).


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