Jesus actions that indicate His Divinity and His Humanity

Divinity is the very nature of God. Jesus Christs divinity is exposed over and over again in the Holy Scripture or the Bible from the New Testament to the Old Testament. Jesus reveals His deity in many ways. The passage I and the Father are one (John 14 6-9) is one of the evidences that Jesus is God. When the devil tempts Him in Matthew 410, He bluffs him by saying You shall not tempt the Lord your God (147). It means that the devil himself knows already the divinity of Christ from the very beginning based from the way he tempts the Lord and Jesus doesnt commit any sin. The same story is found in Mark 1 21  28 when Jesus sees a man possesses by a demon. He tells him to Be quiet and come out of him (26) and the demon knows him I know who You are  the Holy One of God (24). This passage means that even the devil recognizes him as God and only the Almighty One can command the devil out of someone else. Another example that reveals His holiness is the content of His sermons. Jesus proudly shares His divinity through His teachings without any hesitation. Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM (John 858) and called God His Father, making himself equal with God (John 518).  No one can rebuke the nature but Jesus ceases the wind and calms the sea when the windstorm happens in Mark 4 35-41. Only God can control the natural world because He is the creator of it, this shows His attribute as God. From John 14 6, Jesus directly reveals that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one will come to the Father except through Me (6). Another example that shows the divinity of Jesus is when He rises from the dead (Mark 161  8). No individual can do the same as Jesus does. Furthermore, He allows Thomas to experience the insertion of his finger to the print of the nails on His hand (John 20 25  29) just to open up fully the faith of His disciples. The prophesy in the past, happens in the present and still clinging in the near future about and according to Jesus is a very convincing proof of His divinity.

Humanity is the state of showing the human attributes or qualities. Jesus as a human has flesh and blood. When Jesus is conceived and born by Mary in Bethlehem of Judea (Matthew 118-25), He is already considered as human because He experiences the process on how the human is given birth. One more thing, Jesus preaches the good news to all the people who follow them just like the parents to his children. He wants them to know about God and Him at the same time. The statement of Jesus Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head (Matthew 820), states that since He is human during that time He also feels tired and exhausted.

Another example is when He is sleeping (24) during the windstorm which can be read from Mark 823  25, this simply shows that he is resting the whole hour of their journey. Jesus as a human also eats and drinks just like what He does together with his disciples in the passage of Mark the Last Supper (Mark 14 22  26). If a simple Jew knows how to pray, Jesus does it rigidly and more intensely His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 2244), this simply illustrates that Jesus as a human suffers from pain and agony because of the coming torment that He will be facing. During their time, the person who commits crime and an enemy of the government is put into prison and the worst thing that could happen is to crucify him. The human aspect of Jesus is fully shown when He accepts the punishments and all the throbbing done by the soldiers while preparing for His crucifixion. The flowing of His blood, the nails in His hands, and all the physical injuries that He undergoes are indication of being a human. His death on the cross reveals Him as a human but for the deeper meaning of this action signifies His divinity because He even offers His own life just to show His love to all the sinners.


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