People who believe in the existence of God usually turn to the Bible, the word of God to prove the existence of God. On the other hand, non believers do not accept all the arguments drawn from the bible saying that testimony from God cannot be used to prove his existence. They further argue that self testimony can be false. However, there are several proofs from the bible which indicates his existence. Here below are some of the proofs from the bible.

II Biblical proofs on the existence of God

(a) The bible as the word of God
The bible which is considered as the word of God by Christians has several proofs for His existence. The scripture is claimed to be inspired by God. It is considered as a product of Gods breath. This is found in 2nd Timothy 316 and 2 Peter 120-21. In more than 3800 times, the Bible declares that God said or Thus says the Lord as found in the following scriptures Exodus 141 201 Leviticus 41 Numbers 41 Deuteronomy 4 2 3248 Isaiah 110, 24 Jeremiah 111 Ezekiel 13 among other scriptures. It is true that the bible came from God. This is because the way the bible presents itself serves as a proof that indeed it came from God. The bible is presented in various ways. The scope of its contents is quite wide that no man could have written it.

The bible contains the story of Gods relationship to humanity, the origin of sin, redemption, and eternal life. The bible was written by about 40 authors, and most of them were not familiar with one another. The writing of the bible took 1500 years, but their complete unity, harmony and consistency in the bible indicates existence of an invisible author. These facts further points at the existence of a single none human author who had all the information about history, and guided the writing of the bible. Because only God can possess this information, then God exists.

(b) Gods deeds
Proof that the bible is the word of God therefore He exists is the way the bible works. The bible has worked for many people in different ways. People who have believed in the bible and dedicated their families to its teachings have never regretted but have wished they had followed it more closely. Children raised in the ways of the bible have turned out to be respectful and loyal to their parents. Biblical teachings on marriage relationships are rarely followed currently, but when followed, peace prevails in such homes.

(c) Prophecy
Prophecy also proves the existence of God. Prophecy is considered as the miracle of the bible and this further indicates the existence of God. Nobody is capable of selecting a large metropolitan area and foresee in advance, how the city would be destroyed. The bible predicted the fates of many cities. For example, the city of Tyre, this was one of the great cities of Phoenicia. Ezekiel, the prophet of God was held as a captive in Babylon and during this time, he prophesized the destruction of the city of Tyre. In the bible, the book of Ezekiel chapters 26 and 27 gives fine details on how the city was destroyed. Ezekiel 263 states that  Therefore said the Lord God Behold I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth the waves to come up  These are regarded as the true words of the Lord God. Through Ezekiel, the city was destroyed as it is stated in the bible.

There are other prophesies which were made long time ago in the bible and they came to pass. The most popular prophesy was that of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The prophecy of the coming Messiah was written in the Old Testament long before Jesus was born. It had all the information about his conception, birth, life, death, and resurrection. In the book of Micah 52, prophesy of birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, who will be the ruler of Israel is made. The prophesy is then fulfilled in the book of Mathew 21. The resurrection of Jesus was prophesied in the book of Psalms 168-10 (1014 BC) and was fulfilled in Mathew 2753 28 6 and Mark 166.

(d) The bible is scientifically correct
The bible is also considered as the word of God because it proved to be scientifically correct several years in advance. God gave the people of Israel various laws on hygiene which they were to follow. This information was given before the scientific interventions. In Deuteronomy 2312-13, God gave instructions to the Israelites on how to dispose their fecal waste. This was a way to protect them from epidemics which could arise from the body wastes. In the 18 century in Europe, human wastes were scattered all over the streets and this resulted in epidemics like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery which claimed the lives of many people.

The other evidence to show existence of God and his knowledge of science is the command to circumcise the Jewish boys on the eighth day after birth. This command has several scientific explanations and cannot be taken as just a coincidence. The reason why the boys were to be circumcised on the eighth day was because blood clotting factors such as vitamin K2 and prothrombin are very low in the blood for the first few days, but their level raises on day eighth onwards therefore chances of excessive bleeding is increased.

(e) Ten Commandments
The existence of Ten Commandments to the believers further proves the existence of God. These commandments have had a greater impact on the lives of the believers. The first commandments states that Though shalt have no other god before me History indicates that the ancient people had several gods whom they worshiped. Before the introduction of the commandments to Moses, most people apart from the ones that God had appeared to, had been oppressed by their beliefs in horrific beings. These gods were to be continually appeased in many ways including child sacrifice.
The appearance of one true God led to an end to the ancient gods. As opposed to the pagan gods, the God of Israel is neither cruel nor immoral. He emphasized that people should be faithful to him, righteous and show love to other people. The first commandment therefore led to the opening of the new era that was to last forever and relieve man from the psychologically oppressive and socially destructive ideas that held mankind.

III Critical review of the essay
From the proofs found in the bible such as the bible being the word of God, the prophecy, consistency in its writing, the Ten Commandments, and the deeds of God through the bible, we can conclude that he truly exist. The bible as the word of God is true because there are Gods commands through it to the people. Its scope is also too wide for any human being. The authors of the bible lived at different times and never consulted one another, but the information relayed through the bible is very consistent as if it was from the same person. These proofs suggest the existence of a supernatural being.

The prophecies in the bible are all true and they all happened. God used his prophets like Ezekiel to pass on massage to the people. Through them he could prophesize what is to happen in the future. Many people have used the directions in the bible to guide their lives and they have never regretted. The bible also proved to be right scientifically even before the age of science. Ten Commandments given to Moses by God are directions which God gave to his people to guide their living and their relation to one another. This also proves that God truly exist.  

IV Conclusion
There are several proofs in the bible which indicates the existence of God. The Bible itself is inspired by God. This is because it has about 40 writers who did their work at different times yet their message is related and consistent. The other reason which supports the existence of God is the scope of the bible which is too wide beyond the knowledge of any man. There are several prophecies in the bible which points to the existence of a supernatural being. The prediction of the destruction of towns like Tyre, cities of Gaza and Ashkelon, and kingdom of Edom and its capital, Petra could not be done by any ordinary man.

People who have followed the teachings of the bible have never failed in their endeavors and this is a clear indication of supernatural power in the bible. Scientific facts which are indicated in the bible have been proven right despite the fact that they were written before the scientific era. The other reason which supports the existence of God is the Ten Commandments which guide man on how to relate to others and also the existence of one jealous God. From all the above evidences, we can conclude that God surely exists.


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