Differences between Bahai and Shia religion

Bahai faith developed from Shia religion in the 1850s. Following its foundation by Baha u lla in Persia, it was developed and guided by Abdu l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi both from the same family. The religion is characterized by unity, peace and service to all humanity. The Bahai religion is based on thee doctrines namely a belief that there is only one God, one religion and one human race. Unity is over emphasized in this religion and the power of service. As Kwintessential (2008) records, to be a Bahai means that someone must love all humanity, the whole world and work for peace. On the other hand, Shia religion, which is the second largest Islamic religion, holds the teachings that are based on the Quaran and the messages of Muhammad, the last prophet of the Islam. Because Bahai developed from Shia, there are major differences between the two religions although they are still similar in some aspects. This paper shall therefore discuss the major difference between Bahai and the Shia Islamic religions.

There are some major differences between the Shia religion and the Bahai religion. Most of these are the doctrinal differences as well as other differences. While Bahai believes in unity of religion and the entire human race, the Shiia believes in divide unity. The Bahai believe that all the true prophets from other religions like Abraham, Krishna and Jesus are supposed to be recognized. However, the Shia religion believes that the leaders should only come from Muhammads family (Kwintessential, 2008).

The Bahai religion does not acknowledge any official priest and every member of the religion is expected to participate in the teachings. Moreover, the local leaders are supposed to lead in the functions like weddings and the funerals. On the other hand, in the Shia religion, only the leader who is chosen by the supernatural being has the right to deliver the divine messages to the people and preside over such functions. The Shiites believe that Muhammad the Prophet was chosen by God and it is only Him who has the right to appoint his successor. They also believe in Imams who are human leaders. The Imams are supposed to be sinless and are supposed to teach the Islamic doctrines. The Imams are the successors of Muhammad and in every generation there is supposed to be a spiritual leader for that particular time. The Imam is supposed to be guided by God and he is supposed to guide the people in return (Global security.org, 2010)

The Bahais believe that evil does not exist. They believe that evil arises from the absence of good. On the contrary, the Shiites believe that although there is evil, they are always right and pure because they believe in one God who is pure and one who has authority over all the creation. The Shiites consider themselves to have all the knowledge of God. This is more so through the revelation and through his prophets. The Bahais on the other hand, believe that the God they believe in cannot be known by humanity.

In conclusion, it is evident that the major difference between the two religious beliefs is on the issue of the Imams. The fact that Shiites have a belief that Imams are the successors of the prophet distinguishes the faith not only from Bahai but also from other Islamic sects as well. This leads into other differences such as the interpretation of the Quaran. While the Bahai emphasize on the gender equality, monogamy and the abstinence of alcohol and other drugs, the Shias doctrine favor women and do not over emphasize on such issues (Global security.org. 2010).


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