What is the belief system

Belief systems are established years before the time we are born. It is a traditional practice of moral values handed down from generation to generation. These moral standards help us to handle every day situations and are usually taught by our parents and grandparents through their examples of behavior and attitude. Christians and Non-Christians are the most common groups that exist, however, there are many religions that are placed under these two categories. A few other strict religions practice differently and they do not believe in God, but they do believe in a higher power. Christian traditions are carried out throughout our life in different stages and we celebrate these events according to the Christian Liturgical calendar. (Catechism, Part I)

Roman Catholic is the traditional Christian faith that my family has carried out their moral values. Being a Cradle Catholic, means I have a moral obligation to attend functions of my faith according to the liturgical calendar and I am held accountable for my actions according to my Catholic faith.
Attending church services and participating in (RE) religious education for the youth, either in private schooling or in the Sunday programs, are other ways I learned how to carry out my belief system. Roman Catholics believe in living according to the scriptures which is why there is an obligation to attend mass every Sunday. The re-enactment of the last supper, as though Christ is truly present every time mass is being celebrated, gives Roman Catholics an advantage of living the word of God, through the Holy scriptures. Those scriptures are taken directly from the bible and read every Sunday at mass.  Depending on the liturgical calendar and time of year, depends on what traditions are carried out in the home. Every season carries its own celebration and particular meaning in the faith.  Tradition plays a vital role in the Roman Catholic faith. Besides the mass being traditional, the celebrations throughout the year have a major influence on the Catholic way of living. Catholics are taught that all people were created by God and that life should be valued. A newborn child receives their first sacrament of Baptism and is accepted into the church as part of Gods family. The seven sacraments Baptism, Confession, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Annointing of the Sick are received according to their age and occasion of that sacrament. These are important stages in the Roman Catholic lifestyle and celebrated with great preparation and accountability.  (Catechism, 1994)

Parents roles are vital to the development of the Catholic faith. Many families gather together in prayer everyday before dinner. During the Christmas season, the prayers contain scriptures in reference to the season of Christ being born. Traditions of an Advent wreath are placed at the dining room table, where Roman Catholics follow the weeks of preparation for Christ being born. All prayers are taken directly from scriptures. There are many misconceptions of the Catholic faith, but really the faith is all scripture based and carried on with tradition. The biggest celebration of the Roman Catholic church is the celebration of the Lenten season, that ends with the Easter season. This is where all Roman Catholics gather in contemplative prayer and prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection. Families go to Confession, abstain from meat on certain days and attend stations of the cross every Friday, which is the scriptural prayer as a church remembering the stations Christ took on the way to Calvary where He was crucified. The greatest day for many Catholics is receiving their sacraments during this time. Holy water and Holy oils are renewed in the church for the year. Many traditions are passed on year to year in the Catholic faith. It takes dedication and devotion to practice teachings of the church and to fulfill the obligations of the sacraments. It is virtually impossible for a Roman Catholic to practice all the traditions. However, the most important aspect is to live life according to the faith the best they can by attending Holy Days of Obligation and practicing their moral virtues. (Catechism, 1994)

The Roman Catholic faith contains so much in every aspect of its tradition that unless you have been cradled in the faith, it takes years for non-Catholics to understand the faith. Often causing other religions to carry misconceptions of the traditions, such as Confession, praying the rosary and recognizing the saints of the church. Religions debate over the structure of Catholicism and their theological stances on the Eucharist, Confession and Pro-life issues the most. Their perception of our prayer with the intercession of saints often lead other religions to question the Catholic faith. If Catholics are not brought up in the traditional practice at home, then they themselves often misconstrue the meaning of their own practices, causing them to fall away from the church. My family grounded my faith and so I am secure with my faith and feel that I have a great understanding and appreciation for my belief system. Learning about other faiths exposed me to diversity within cultures and respect for other religions and their belief systems.  Respect for all faiths is taught in the private schools and learning the differences amongst other faiths is encouraged so that Catholics can better understand the formation of the church and its teachings.

The traditions of the Catholic faith allow for some scrutiny when it comes to certain topics of the hierarchy of the church, however, its the sacraments and the traditions that are most important as I practice my faith. Sometimes people judge Catholics according to the medias definition of the mafia, the Hollywood movies containing the Catholic church in a bad light, or the medias condemning of the priests behavior. Although, not all priests have behaved badly, it makes being a Catholic a challenge in the discussions today. So standing up for the Catholic faith is different and certainly a challenge but I have to remember to be Christ-like. Prayer is essential for practicing the Catholic faith. Knowing that many people are gathered to celebrate the great traditions of the Catholic church every Sunday, brings a deeper meaning to what the church is all about.                                                                                     
Roman Catholics have many benefits to their belief system. Families have structured gatherings, great private education, private organizations for all members of the church and a worldwide practicing faith. All aspects of the church give meaning and relevance to deepening the practicing faith. The example of being a good Catholic generally come from an upbringing with tradition in the family and within the religious education programs. To have the opportunity to go to daily mass and I know that no matter where a Catholic goes in the world, the same mass is being celebrated. The Roman Catholic church does not waver with its political stance and with its liturgical calendar celebrations. Everyone recognizes what to do regardless of the language. Exposures to different cultures practicing the Roman Catholic faith, brings appreciation and respect for what it means to be part of the Universal Roman Catholic church and what it means to be a Roman Catholic. (Fisher, 2002)

The Roman Catholic belief system is different. There is a completeness within the Roman Catholic teachings that is unique to their social life and family upbringing. It is a dedicated lifestyle with moral obligations to the family and to the community. To stand up for what is right and to accept the challenges of becoming more Christ-like through a daily living of the scriptures.


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