
There was once a philosopher who said that religion is mankinds most wonderful but at  the same time, most dangerous creation.  Religion falls under a dichotomy.  On one side, it is an instrument of social control and, to a certain extent, repression it defines the norms of society.  On the other hand, it serves as a means of establishing a personal and meaningful relationship between the individual and the Divine, which goes by many names depending on ones faith.  Its incorporation as an innate component of what humans perceive to be  creation  is probably the sole facilitator for the existence of religion. Yet, abiding by religious doctrines has more than often proven to be ominous. Every religion preaches the word of peace amongst humans, whereas time and again religious beliefs has proven to be harmful to multitude of people.

Religion evolved alongside human civilization.  But upon closer observation, religion is not religion per se.  It is not merely the act of performing rituals to profes ones faith.  Religion is a way of life.  The teachings of every religion influences how people behave in a society.  Every religion aims for prosperous and peaceful life for everyone.  It always aims to enhance unity, prosperity, ensure a just society, as well as an orderly one. They fefinme what is moral and immoral, what is acceptable and unacceptable.  However, human manipulation along with misinterpretation of religious beliefs has always brought conflict among each other as religions subscribe to differing norms which clash with one another.

In the name of religion and tradition, women are probably the worst hit. Instead of protecting the women, the patriarchal society suppressed and tortured women to maintain male supremacy. Women were considered to be children producing machines who would unconditionally serve her family. This was the case shown in Fatema Mernissis memoirs titled Dreams of Tresspass.  When she was a child, she grew up in a rather tense atmosphere where Christians and Muslims were at odds with one another
 The problems with the Christians start, said Father, as with women, when the hudud, or sacred frontier, is not respected...When God created the earth, said Father, he separated men from women, and put a sea between Muslims and Christians for a reason. Harmony exists when each group respects the prescribed limits of the other tresspassing leads to sorrow and unhappiness.  (Mernissi, 1994, 1)

Mernissi further added that this was propagated through schools where religious doctrine is learned.  But for Muslims, Islam is not just a religion, it is also a way of life.  They believed that Allah has defined the roles of men and women in society, which is why her father told her that Allah kept men and women separate.  From her experiece, it can also be inferred that it is the Muslims who have created and maintained that rift between Christians, regarding them as the  enemy  along with the Jews when ironically, they used to be very close during ancient times.  People who formulated strict and sometimes  unreasonable social norms did so for their personal profit or to stay in power.  Mernissi even criticized the sharia law, particularly the provisions on polygamy which they want banned but was met with resistance because religious leaders say that since it is a religious law, it cannot be changed and is something she did not agree to (Mernissi, 1994, 99).

This was something she learned from her mother, who despite being having to abide by the norms, harbor resistance, if not defiance, of these norms and urged her daughter to  scream and protest  (Mernissi, 1994, 9).  It can be inferred here that there are those who do not agree with the societal norms defined by religion.  The harem where Mernissi lived in is one of the many kinds of harems that exist and is a far cry from the harems of royal courts which many non-Muslim people tend to associate.  There are also harems outside the city where women have more freedom such as her grandmother Yakima.  Inspired by her mother, she made use of her imaginative mind to create artistry which served as a way for her to  escape  the rigid life in a harem.

For people like Mernissi, their protest is in no way an act of heresy.  They still remain faithful Muslims and they do believe Allah is the supreme authority.  What they protest or deplore is how a few people claim the authority to speak in Allahs behalf by interpreting religious teachings.  It can be inferred here that Muslims like Fernissi believes that religion is all about creating a personal and meaningful relationship with their god and this relationship is what determines what is right and wrong for them.

In conclusion, religion may be a way of life in a much bigger picture but at an individual level, it puts more emphsasis on the relationship between God and the individual which is regarded as more important than letting a few  experts  determine what is right for them.  People like Fernissi believed God created individuals to be equal in rights and it is man, not God that created these barriers or limits that is the source of many troubles in the world and even used religion to antagonize others or make enemies out of friends.


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