Death of Jesus, Gods Ways

The crucifixion of Jesus was as dramatic as it was meaningful yet as politically motivated as it was religiously motivated. However, divinity provides sufficient grounding that the crucifixion was dully for divinitys sake. Profoundly, each of the assertion has sufficient backing relative to the ingenious of the presenter of the argument. Nonetheless, the crucifixion was as justified as is injustice to immense magnitude. Vividly, the crucifixion was motivated by both religious and political reasons. Ultimately, the messianic will had to be fulfilled.   

Jesus exhibited rare traits. For the Jews, his teaching was against their religious faith. The reason for the Jews to support the crucifixion of Jesus was mainly based on this assertion. To the Jews, the fact that Jesus was interacting and dinning with sinners was sufficient proof that what Jesus was doing was in essence wrong (Thomas, R. L.,  Gundry, S. N. 1988 p 6). When Jesus went to Zachaueus to have a meal, this was not taken lightly by the Jewish clergy. Ideally, people who were prophesying the faith were not supposed to mingle with sinners. 

Jesus was ideally relinquishing the mandate of forgiveness from the Jewish clergy (Joel B). He was reviewing some of the covenants anew, according to the Jews Jesus was doing away with the laws of the Old Testament. For instance, the encounter with the adulterous woman at the well, where he challenged those who had not sinned to make the first through at the woman, appeared to present the entire clergy at crossroads (Niswonger, R. 1992). This implied for the Jews that Jesus was condoning sins.

Jesus was allegedly purporting to be the king. It was for this reason that the Roman administration choose to have Him taken before the high priest for judgment (Thomas, R. L.,  Gundry, S. N. 1988 p 3). During the judgment the crucifixion was justified by the high priest belatedly. In addition the roman administration had initially alleged that Jesus was advising civilians against payment of taxes. However, it was so evident that he had nothing to do with the Roman law, give Caesar what is for Caesar and to God what is His. The Roman was clearly presenting the case against Jesus to justify their crucifixion of Jesus.

Besides, the Romans saw the activities of Jesus as jeopardizing their leadership. The jeopardy was not only explicitly inherent through the activities but also Jesus popularity that was hitting gregarious levels (Joel B). Because this could not have a substantive backing for the crucifixion, the Roman administration chose to level other allegations against Jesus. As Wright (Niswonger, R. 1992) rightly puts it, neither the Jews nor the Romans had a straightforward sense for the crucifixion. The crucifixion was therefore largely informed by the popular order that existed in Rome then.

In all aspects, the Romans took the preachings by Jesus as utterly subversive. For example when Jesus was asked by the disciples on who was greatest, he answered the kingdom of God belonged to children. Overall, this showed that even the leadership on earth did not matter to him. Besides, He asserted that He was to demolish the church in three days and have it rebuilt. For the Jewish leadership this was quite subversive (Thomas, R. L.,  Gundry, S. N. 1988, p 6). The Jews argued that Jesus should have not allowed the unclean to dine with the clean besides, it was argued that the gentile and the Jews were not supposed to mix, to which Jesus never gave a damn. The Jews saw Jesus as blasphemous when he alleged to be going to sit on the right hand side of God.       

The death of Jesus has much to exemplify. In particular, it is evident from the unfolding that he had the least consideration for status. Its for this reason that He strongly asserts that greatness is much of service than status. Overall, the death of Jesus embodies much to do with the shear sacrifice for others than simply working. The death gives much insight into the ultimate process of ministering and accessing the kingdom of heaven one has to sacrifice hisher life in total. Sacrifice and humility is the earnest essence of service and Christianity.   


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