Article Critique Adolescent Obesity Hope Against Fear

This is a one page summary and critique of the article Adolescent Obesity Hope Against Fear by Art Cook.

The main topic of discussion in the article Adolescent Obesity Hope Against Fear is the rapidly growing trend of obesity among pre-teens and teenagers in the United States. Throughout the article, author Art Cook presents the underlying theme that child and teen obesity, although spreading rapidly, can be overcome through simple everyday routine adjustments to schedules, meal plans, and extracurricular activities.

The article, written primarily to parents, points out the fact that in the early 1970s and 1980s child obesity was likely to occur in only 7 of children ages 6-11 while studies in 2004 confirm child obesity to be actively effecting 17 of that age group. Comparing lifestyles from the two testing errors, Cook discusses how todays children dont spend enough time exercising, they eat empty calorie foods, and arent used to having a home cooked meal full of essential nutrients. Cook goes on to show that poor eating habits developed in early childhood are hard to break once children become teens causing weight loss to be almost impossible. Weight gain followed by drastic dieting and attempts to lose weight leads to excessive bullying and even thoughts of suicide among teens. Its a downward spiral from children and teens, yet Cook points out that there is hope. Simple adjustments to eating habits, exercise routines, and family meal time can go a long way in preventing and treating obesity.

The article does not contradict scripture in any way. In fact, Cooks solutions to obesity enforce age old principles taught throughout the Bible. Scripture warns of excessive eating and over indulgence. Cook agrees. Scripture also encourages family units to work together, play together, and even eat meals together. It is the job of the parents to raise their children in the right way and this includes eating habits. Cooks article encourages this as well. In relation to ministry, its important to work with parents, children and teens and talk to them about the critical need for planned meals, exercise of some sort, and family activities. Some parents are so busy trying to provide for their family that they dont stop to realize that their long hours at the office and routine dining out to save time is hurting their children and teens. Children and teens also need to know there is hope and that they arent alone. They need a listening ear to talk about their weight and how they feel and they desperately need encouragement to overcome and fight the pressures surrounding them. Obesity is a very important topic and shouldnt be ignored.


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