World View on Eastern Pantheism

Eastern Pantheism holds as its tenets that nature has a soul and that God can be found anywhere. Pantheism is derived from the word pan which means all-encompassing or universal and theism, coming from the Greek theos which signifies God. Eastern pantheistic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism venerate nature as a sacred entity (Totten 2000).

Life DomainsWorld view
Money and CareerHinduism has a renunciation principle which preaches the non-attachment of devotees to the things of the world. Materialism and self-aggrandizement are discouraged. The objective of life has to be in sacrifice in order to benefit in the world hereafter. At the same time, diligence and industry are disciplines laid out in the Bhagavad Gita which liberates the soul from sloth and mediocrity (Leffel 2009)Sexuality DomainThe Eastern pantheistic view on sexuality is centralized in its theme of fertility, gods and goddess, and malefemale principles. Hinduism, Buddhism and Daoism promote the worship of sex, and laud female and male gods. The malefemale principles are inextricable similar to Yin and Yan, Krisha and Lakshmi. Union of both, symbolizing intercourse, generates life through reproduction (Hindu Goddesses)

Family Life DomainThe Dao aspect of Eastern Pantheism teaches that divine and everlasting means the way of nature and the cosmos thus one sees the bond between the universe and man. The founder of Daoism, Laozi lived in the sixth century BCE and developed the rudiments of Daoism. However, during the Period of the Warring States (403  221 BCE), Daoism further consolidated its base of doctrines and grew as a peace-making entity which stood for order. Mans harmony with nature corresponds with the harmony of the cosmos. This concept is mirrored in the affirmation that that state of being in accord with nature is (being) in accord with Dao. There exists compatibility, coexistence and harmony with opposite natures and this relation is called harmonious dualism. Hence family and human relations must be pacific and harmonious (Robinson 2006) Comparison to Christianity

The Bible is overtly against pantheism, declaring in Romans 121, Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Clearly, based on the Word of God, Eastern pantheism clashes with Gods commands and encourages the worship of the creature rather than the Creator. The proliferation of rodents and sickness in India attest to that fact, where animals are treated with more dignity and respect than mankind (Elephants, cows, goats, mice, and rats run freely in temples and marketplaces unhindered). The concept of reincarnation is popular in eastern pantheism since after death, man evolves into another being in nature plant or animal.

AssumptionEastern PantheismReality In the Eastern Worldview, the ultimate Reality (the One) is impersonal, infinite, non-material, and non-conceptual. Here, the ultimate Reality represents a type of god called Brahman. Pantheists believe that the god-connection is not personal neither does god have any features similar to man (love, anger, etc). Brahman who is the ultimate reality is also non-material, i.e, cannot be present in the flesh and holds no distinct characteristics. He cannot be defined or interpreted because he is infinite. (Lim)KnowledgeEastern Pantheism posits that the zenith of human knowledge is nirvana where the mind is at rest and unattached from worldly concerns. The principle of maya explains that there are no dichotomies hence good and evil, right and wrong, physical and spiritual (any opposite elements are fictional and illusive). Adviya or ignorance which begets separation from Brahman is to be shunned. Ignorance is the only sin that separates the soul from realizing his true goal to be illuminated (Coward 2007)Human natureIn Eastern pantheism, the human soul or spirit is called the atman. God in within each human being and through meditation, man finds the god within and becomes unified with Brahman, the infinite therefore man is god and has the potential to be like God. The atman (human soul) is an unconscious and eternal element in the body which needs to be enlightened (Waite 1997 128)Human problemsEastern pantheism poses that problems stem from the things of the world such as greed, self-indulgence, loathing, etc (Billington 2007 62)Solutions to human problemsThe solution to human problems comes in the form of non-attachment. Liberation lies in doing ones duty without hope of reward or fear of punishment (Totten 2000).Human valueHuman value is centered on the appreciation of good deeds and the non-attachment to worldly distractions. Human purposeThe Eastern Pantheistic worldview embraces man whose prime life object is to be enlightened, achieving Nirvana or Moksha which is the point of extinguishment. In other words, the existence of unwanted vices such as hatred, envy, self-indulgence, and deception perish. Nirvana is the equivalent of heaven where man attains his peak enlightenment, where his mind cannot be tainted by worldly considerations and his becomes at peace. (Frankfort 1978).Ethics Ethics from the Eastern pantheistic perspective involves the absence of good and evil. There is no moral categorization therefore, good and evil cease to exist.  Since enlightenment is the ultimate goal of the devotee, the difference between light and darkness is non-essential. The code of ethics is defined as far as the end is achieved. Doing good helps one to ascend the rungs of righteousness and enlightenment. Suffering Human suffering is caused by samsara which is bondage to the human chronological cycle of birth, death, and rebirth to which every being is subjected. The only way for freedom is by breaking this cycle, where the atman (human soul) is set free and finally united to the Brahman. Suffering is also a product of negative values such as lust, strife, etc. (Lim)The meaning of lifeThe meaning of life is gotten by doing charitable deeds so that in the life to come (at the point of reincarnation) the transformed creature would be favorable (a better station than ones current position). The law of kharma stipulates that one gets what one gives. (Billington 2007).Human desireHuman desire is something that should be spurned since attachment of any sort to an entity comprises enslavement. This bond between the self and an object of desire fosters the imprisonment which denies the individual the opportunity of having a real, mystical, religious, experience. (Groothius 1986).


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