The first century Palestinian people followed religion of Judaism. They were diversified
in different groups. The Pharisees where prominent Jews in Palestine, they followed strict
observance of law and traditions. They believe in resurrection of dead . The Sadducees another
group of Jews who followed laws of Hebrew bible( the torah) ,they rejected new traditions the
priests belonged to this group. They were long time political and religious rivals of Pharisees.

They  did not believe in life after death or in angels or spirits. Essenes a small group of
Palestinians who lead a monastic lifestyle at Qumran ( near dead sea), they rejected the idea of
temple worship. They expected god to send prophet or Messiah. Zealots are revolutionary groups
in first century who opposed the Roman rule. The important book of Jewish scripture was torah ,
which was believed to have given to Mosses by god.

For thousands of years Jewish people were primarily subjected to foreign rule. Romans
ruled the Mediterranean area the Palestine. The Jews had distrust and hatred for Roman empire.
There was disparity between the poor and rich. They imposed heavy taxes on common people
and forced them to pay it. During first century the temple courtyards became market place. The
first century Palestine people did not believe in Jesus, who was born during the time of ruler
Herod. Jewish people believed in one God, who was invisible and could not be portrayed.
whereas the surrounding cultures believed in many gods. Palestine was governed by Roman
empire until fourth century A.D. Majority of Jewish people hated the governance of Romans.
Many Jewish people were fled out of Palestine  and settled in different parts of the world.

National liberation movement of Jewish people emerged in 19th century, their aim was to
free Jews from hostile and oppressive alien rule, and to reestablish and to gather the Jewish
people from all around the world. Zionist movement dates from A.D 70, the year of destruction
of temple and the Jewish state. This organization reintroduced the political elements into creation
of Jewish Palestine, it synthesized two goals liberation and unity. The Palestine people believe
that ,the new Jewish Palestine will be once again a Zion from which the law and word of God
shall go forth.

Jewish people were seeking the coming of Messiah or savior, they were waiting for the
leader who has promised to bring them spiritual renewal and political freedom from centuries of
foreign oppression. Jews had never stopped coming to the holy land, as it remained as center of
Jewish worship and culture . It was also connected with their dreams of Messianic redemption.
Not all Jews expected Messiah but some thought that, he was the savior from god who would
free them from dark days,  they experienced through all these tough years of suffering in hands
of  various rulers of their land. However the Zealots believed there would be a great war against
Rome. Some of them were ready to take arms against Romans, thinking that god would be on
their side to fight. They were not willing to surrender their holy land in hands of people who
followed Pagan  culture. Waiting for their Messiah

The people of first century Palestine belonged to different groups they varied in their
views and ideas regarding their spiritual tradition. But they faced a similar problem that is their
country was in clutches of  non Jewish people for over a long period of time may be centuries .
They wanted to free their land of holiness so some people formed a revolution movement against
them, while others believed that Messiah their savior would free them and form a holy land.


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