Reflection Paper

This paper will be addressing the following questions Does the Bible have authority How do the arguments for the existence of God influence your view of the supernatural If a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life  I chose these topics for their significance in Christian thought.
Section I Does the Bible have authority

Indeed, the Bible has authority.  In fact, it is the only authority when it comes to Christian doctrines.
There is no other book like the Bible. The prophecies in it are exact, nothing is under- or overstated, and they do happen.

But it is a fact that not all words in the Bible are words of God. Words of the devil were also written, such as the devils statement to Eve that surely Adam and Eve will not die if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Words of unbelievers were also written in the Bible. So we have to exercise caution in reading passages because we might attribute words to God that are not really his.
The words of God in the Bible are accurate, because they were inspired by the Spirit of God, and written by men for men. The Bible says, But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. This statement is precise. No truthful man can ever claim that he has no lust or that he is not affected by it.

And there are scientific facts in the Bible which were written even before they were realized by man. One such example is the passage, It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.  Long before man discovered that the earth is round, there already was a circle of the earth mentioned in the book of the prophet Isaiah.

Section II  How do the arguments for the existence of God influence your view of the supernatural
The arguments for the existence of God all the more prove to me that God really exists.

Although there are people who do not believe in the existence of God, nature itself, including the heavens, testify to the existence of God and His eternal power and wisdom that created all things. Our very being testifies that there is a supernatural power that created us.

All the arguments presented only reinforced my view and belief of the supernatural, that there is something else beyond what we naturally see and feel. There are supernatural things that exist that are not seen by our literal eyes.

I do believe that there is life aside from the life we have on earth, and what is beyond life on earth is supernatural. The life we live on this planet is our natural life, and the life that will be given to us after it is supernatural. There is life beyond death.

What we now call nature did not come about because of an accident or by chance. There is a supernatural power that brought forth all creation.

And what we now call supernatural is the spiritual realm. We are human, we are finite. Beyond our natural limitations is the supernatural  what cannot be done naturally by man. And that which can do the supernatural are spirits. There is more to man than just his flesh. There is a spirit that gives him life without the spirit, the flesh is dead.

Miracles are supernatural. And I do believe in miracles, they range from daily and almost mundane to downright phenomenal and incredible. What is natural is already amazing, the supernatural is much more amazing.

Section III  If a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life
It really does matter how a person lives his life if he is a Christian.  The life of a Christian should reflect the Christian doctrines. Otherwise, the Christian teachings and faith will be criticized or reproached for the way he conducts himself. He should prove that he is different from the heathen. He does not conform to worldly lusts and practices.

It is the Christians duty to spread the word, by testimony and by his conduct. As Christ commanded, Christians should serve as light of the world. And a light is not kept under a bushel or under a bed but in a prominent place where it can serve its purpose  to light up the place. As a Christian, he should set good examples that will inspire and at most, illuminate others to the benefits of choosing good over evil and of acknowledging a God in heaven.

The best way that a person can prove that he is a Christian is not by word but by deed. A person who says something good but belies it with his deeds is a deceiver who deceives primarily himself. Through his good works, he is able to share his faith, extend help and show that his God is a loving God because he himself is a loving person.

A true Christian is not only a listener but a doer. He is a good listener whenever he listens to the teachings of Christ. But he is a much better doer. He puts into practice what he hears. And in doing so, he not only proclaims his faith but brings honor to the Lord he serves.

These areas of progression in Christian thought are remarkable for me. They help me ponder more on the spiritual side of life which most men pay little attention to. Most people are after the carnal, which is easily accessible, more easily explained, tangible, and more pleasurable since man is flesh. To many, spirituality is only a matter of discussion for the religious and not for the sensible.


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