
Global warming is one of the most important environmental issues being faced globally. Along with this an importance of natural resources especially water is under consideration as most of the water resources are now contaminated.  Thereby an important of these issues is important especially water conservation and this paper will highlight teachings of Islam that highlight water conservation.

It is mentioned by Dien, and Izz al-Din, (2000) that Islam is a universal religion and no problem in the life of humankind is unaddressed by Islam. Importance of water conservation is embedded in Islam. Quran and Sunnah both highlight an importance of water conservation and show different ways of water conservation. It is realized that important roles are played by religions in societies. Water has been given an utmost importance in Islam, as water is an important part of Islam. Many water conservation awareness campaigns have been started that highlight importance of water. These campaigns have been based on Islamic principles and rules of water conservation thereby these campaigns have been very successful. These awareness campaigns started in different Muslim countries of the world, prove to be beneficial and successful. Islamic communication channels have been used by these campaigns to talk about water conservation to increase awareness in people.

It has been mentioned by Dyke, (2008) that Islam is a religion that originated from Arabian Peninsula, which is a desert area spreading to other important arid and semi arid areas. As a result of this, water has found its importance in Islam. Water scarcity has an importance for Muslims that has influenced their perceptions of water and its importance in addition to shaping their behaviors and customs that relate to water conservation. Since the last twenty years, Islam and Islamic rules and principles have been used to influence believes of water conservation in people and across different countries.
Llamas, (2009) argues that perceptions of water in Islam is not colossal thereby the beliefs held by Muslims in regards to water are very much influenced by different historical events. In addition, these beliefs are also strengthened by the studies and teachings of Islam that are present in Quran.

Water in Quran
Numerous verses in Quran teach and highlight the importance of water in Islam. Holy verses highlight that water is one of the major themes in Islamic cosmogony and iconography. Water is also an important topic in daily life of a Muslim and liturgy. Here it needs to be mentioned that the Arabic word M  means water and it has appeared more than sixty times in Quran.

Sura of the Prophets has quoted the importance of water stating
We made from water every living thing (2130)
In Quran, water has been defined as a gift of god from which the whole humanity can benefit. It is stated in Sura of the Ant
Or, who has created the heavens

And the earth, and who sends you down water from the sky Yea, with it we cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty of delight it is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them. Can there be another god besides Allah (27, 60).

Water in Sunnah
Importance of water has been highlighted in Sunnah. One of the famous hadith of Last Prophet (PBUH) states that

Men are co-owners in three things water, fire and pastures.
Faruqui, Biswas, Bino, and International Development Research Centre (Canada), (2001) argue that there are other hadith that discuss ownership of water as well an amount of water that  is allowed for use by an individual thereby saving it from wastage. Excessive use of water resources has been prohibited in Islam. Moreover, many hadith provide measures to save water from contamination and pollution by mentioning that urination and defecation is to be avoided in water resources as these cab be one of the most important precautionary measure that can avoid disease spread. Human activities are to be avoided on buffer zones around water thereby avoiding any corruption of water body.
Holy prophet (PBUH) has urged the mulish community to save water rather than pollute it  or contaminate it.

One hadith appears in Sunan Ibn Majah,Vol 1, p. 34,
It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (May Allah be well pleased with both of them), that the Holy Prophet(PBUH)passed by a person performing wuzu. He(PBUH)said Do not waste (water), do not use more water than you need it.

Thereby from this hadith it can be realised that wasting water and using it beyond the needs is declared Makruh of undesirable. this has been highlighted by yet another HAdith that appears in Hashiya Al Tahtahawi, p. 80 Using more water than what is reasonable is Makruh.

Water and the Shariah
Shariah is a set of jurisdictions in Islam that are to be followed by all Muslims. The Shariah argues about water conservation and water management and it has defined a set of norms for water management. Every Muslim has been given the right to quench his or her thirst by drinking water and this right has been equally bestowed to animals. People have been given rights to irrigate their crops. However, Shariah highlights preference of water usage domestically as compared to irrigation or in industries. Thereby there are rules that define usage and management of water in a sensible manner avoiding its wastage as its use is every Muslims right.

Tadgell, (2008) mentions that based on these rules, water conservation programs have been started based on Islamic rules highlighting an importance of water conservation as Islam realizes the importance of water scarcity since Muslims have faced water scarcity in their past.

Islam says that water, if available in lesser amounts or in greater amounts is to be saved at all costs. Thereby not only Muslims are bound to follow the teachings and instructions of Islam but all people globally are to realize the fact that water is to be saved and conserved.

It is mentioned by Dyke, (2008) that additional orders have been given by Islam in order to save water. In extreme and exceptional circumstances like war, Islam says that water and other necessities of life are not to be harmed in any way. Islam has given water the same importance as has been bestowed to educational institutions, people, Children, women, elder citizens in a community and it has been said that as these are not to be targeted in any war, in the same way water and any water resources are not to be harmed.

Religions are the base of beliefs in people and these shape up the major decisions taken by people related to certain issues. Major health concern these days relates to water pollution thereby a need of addressing this issue in a religious perspective is needed. These days it is important that public awareness campaigns are started on a global scale that can address the health related issues in regards to water conservation and water pollution. These issues are important as these days water pollution is increasing and is highly sensitive issue.


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