Mother Theresa is able to talk about social issues such as relationships between family members, drug addiction, and abortion because she is speaking from an authority that can never be wrong  the Holy Bible.  She derives her proof and her validation from the scripture and since the scripture is considered to be the Word of God, then it follows that Mother Theresa is speaking according to an authority beyond this world, the authority of God.

While Mother Theresa talks about many things in her speech, tackling various topics, I believe that she simply wants to say one single message, and that is to keep families intact by fighting circumstances that destroy the family and by keeping love alive.  Of the many issues that she mentioned such as the tendency of Westerners to endorse their elders to nursing homes, teenagers looking to drugs for comfort, poverty, hunger, and abortion she offers one solution and that is love.  To keep the family intact, love has to be present to keep children from seeking comfort in drugs, parents should show their love and support for the children, to prevent abortion, everyone must have a genuine love for life.

I am like Mother Theresa in many ways and I submit to her beliefs because as a Christian I follow the commandment of love which is to love God above all things and to love my neighbor as myself.  I believe that this is all we need to be able to do everything according to Gods will.  Perhaps, at times, I am unlike Mother Theresa because unlike her, I often have shortcomings especially in the issue of humility and patience.  Mother Theresa was always patient and humble, and if I would like to strive to be more like her, the I should work more on my humility and patience.

Mother Theresas words made me realize what is like to be unloved by stating the ways in which we can love and be loved.  I realized that as a person, we exist and subsist on love and that without love we would not be the compassionate individuals that we are now and we would not be doing Gods Will as a result.

Mother Theresa, in this article, with respect to our human nature and our being created in the image and likeness of God, urges us to follow first, the commandment of love, then she enjoins all of us to have a deep respect for every single person in this world because each is a representation of our Creator.  With the commandment of love and this deep respect for humanity we are most likely to remain within the precepts of Catholic Social Justice and Principles in that we do not trample on the rights of other people and we remain faithful to the teachings of the church in terms of respecting freedom, respecting liberties, accepting differences, and loving life.


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