Biography of Malik Ibn Anas

Malik Ibn Anas was born in 93AH at a place called the Madina and grew up in Islamic religion then became a famous Imam Madina Islam.  Being one of the most honoured and respected scholars in the Islam Sunni, he consequently became a prominent Islam leader and sheikh.

Some of his teachers and mentors in his life were, Abu Suhail an NafiAbd ar-Rahman, who assisted him in memorizing the Quran while he was young and received a sanad, a teaching certificate to teach the Quran from his Islam teacher. Other scholars who influenced his life were Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri, Imam Abu Hanifa, Hisham ibn Urwah and Imam Jafar al Sadiq among others who influenced his religious attitude and developed him in the Islamic ways and traditions as well as in his academics. For about 62 years, he lectured Islamic law and the Islamic rulings. Among his scholarly works were the Al-Muwatta and Al- Mudawwana al-Kubra (, n.d).

Malik studied law and became prominent in the interpretation of Islamic law although he was a reluctant in issues of religious verdicts. He held this by using his contemporary nature to formulate ideas that guarded the peoples security and humane which would sometimes contradict the rulers ideologies.

His political life was filled with integrity, courage, godliness, knowledge and wisdom. For example, he declared the Madina governors oath of allegiance, that forced and demanded people to take the oath in favor of Khalif as non binding because it was issued under duress. He was arrested for passing fatwa against injustices on the Sayeds by the government. When Mansoor learnt of his fate in jail, he apologized over the same verdict but unfortunately refused returning back to Baghdad upon his request. Malik died in Medina when he was only 89 years in 795 and was buried at Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery (, n.d).


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