Omnipotence and Two Variables

The omnipotence of God draws many deep, unfathomable variables that contain the power to influence events as they happen.  Because these events happen as God orders them to happen, it becomes at odds with what they call the humanistic nature of free will and the picture of Jesus Christ who always believed and preached according to the peoples free will to choose.  It is said that choices are being made by people and not by God.  According to Gregory Boyd (2003), We are ultimately responsible for the effect these choices have on ourselves and others (p.108).  God is intelligent, and He has assigned reasons to the decisions people make despite their free will to choose, and these reasons contain variables which the agent chooses and not God.  The role that God plays can be found on anticipating and creatively responding to decisions agents make (Boyd, 2003, p.108).  This makes Him a responder to the choices and the decision that make, and there are events when He has to intervene, giving Him the power and supremacy to rule these choices despite the free will of humanity.  One good example is the intervention of God when He sends Jesus Christ into the world to save His children from the power of sin and transgression.  God carries the power to allow things to pass according to His plans, giving Him the supremacy to intervene and influence what comes to pass.  However, because of the complexity of His creation, not in all circumstances does God intervene, making Him the ruler of all creations, and allowing the agents to make decisions of their own with the free will to choose and rule their lives.

If I were to grade this commentary of Boyd, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, I would give it a grade of 3 because, despite the truth behind his claim that agents carry the free will to choose and direct the course of their lives, there is no truth behind Boyds (2003) claim that What God creates is what it is by virtue of not being anything else (p.112).  If this is true, then it comes in contradictory with the fact that God is powerful, and His supremacy can allow things to change as it is.  God can do what He sees fit to accomplish.


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