Examining Larry D. Pettegrews Is There Knowledge Most High

Larry D. Pettegrews Is There Knowledge Most High presents a look at the Open Theism approach to religious life. His approach is far from cursory and covers the material from a perspective that effectively addresses such an examination.

It could be argued that Open Theism is a form of a logical approach to religious beliefs. It would seem that AUT takes many effective steps to point out that Open Theism seeks to combine Providence (the world of God) with the secular world. In short, he points out that there will be instances where certain approaches to religion lack a sense of logic. The author then takes steps to show that Open Theism offers a religious approach that seems to connect the complexities of human existence with the spiritual realm.

The article further explores the openness approach and effectively compares it to the classical approach of prior centuries. The purpose of this comparison is to effective show the differences between older models of theism vs. modern approaches. One area where this exists is the difference between a description of God as a human-like being vs. one that is born of emotions and emotional power. The latter approach is defined clearly and effectively which allows Pettegrews material to properly convey the argument towards defining the theories that Open Theism are based upon.

Probably the most provocative area where Pettegrew dwells centers on the reconstruction of the concept of God to where God is defined as pure love and is mutable and passable. Such an approach is one that intellectuals seemingly favor when defined who God is. However, it would be inaccurate to assume such an opinion of God is solely

Examining Larry D. Pettegrews Is There Knowledge Most High  Pg. 2

held by intellectuals. Pettegrews insight into this phenomenon is quite stirring and remains the best portion of his essay.

My personal take on the essay is that Pettegrew presents a brilliant analysis of a religious concept. However, it is difficult to completely accept the approach of Open Theism as the definitive approach to explaining or understanding God. Part of the reason for this is that Gods own description of himself in the Old Testament is rather vague. This is typified by the classic excerpt I am who I am. In addition to God being who he is, he is also often what other people would prefer him to be. This is evidence in how Open Theism seeks to describe God in emotional terms as opposed to being symbolically human in form.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with religious movements having their own unique approach to interpreting the bible and religious worship, the notion that a particular religion has a more intellectual approach is somewhat unrealistic. Yes, it is true that religion can appeal on emotional and intellectual levels it would be absurd to assume that one method has the right approach. No, this is not to say Pettegrew is making such an assertion but his notion that this will become a rage among Evangelicals since it presents a radically new approach. That may or may not be true. But, it will never be a definitive approach to defining God since no such consensus would ever realistically be possible.
All in all, Pettegrews work is interesting and thought provoking. This alone makes one with to learn more about the concept of Open Theism.


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