The coming of Jesus marked the period of early Christianity and served as an important part of the religious history of Christians. Prior to this period, there are events that prepared the world for the coming of Jesus. The events are existing in the society during that time and paved the way for the structure of early Christianity, which lasted for around three centuries. These events are related to the existence of the Roman Empire, the presence of a Greek language, the deterioration of philosophical tenets, low levels of morality, and fatalism.

First, the establishment of the Roman Empire allowed the establishment of a physical environment that is conducive for the dissemination of the gospel. Through the empire, the means of communication are enhanced for messages to travel faster and more effectively. The modes of transportation and travel also allowed for the movement from one area to another in a safer and more convenient means.

Second, the Greek language allowed for a dominant language to emerge, which can be used for the oral and written communication of the Christians. The ability to communicate with one another using a single language allowed for better understanding among the members. Third, the existing philosophies offered by the Greeks and the Roman gods could not cope with the need for faith and belief that disturbed the people at that time. Likewise, people lost their interest over the traditional means offered in Judaism. Fourth, there existed an atmosphere of low morale that affected the people in relation to the existence of slaves and masters. Fifth, the characteristics of fatalism and despair that existed in the East affected the West that left little hope for the people in life or post-death.

All of the five factors mentioned played significant roles that prepared the world for the period of early Christianity. A large part of the preparation is related to the communication, transportation, and the faith of the people. Through these events and issues, early Christianity is able to take over a larger part of the society.


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