Constantine and the Christian Movement

The Battle of Milvian Bridge on the 28th of October 312 marked the conversion to Christianity of Constantine, son of St. Helena. Before the historic battle began, Constantine saw a cross above the sun bearing the inscription In this sign, you shall conquer. Carrying this vision, Constantine and his army defeated Emperor Maxentius troop. This victory gave Constantine total control of the Western Roman Empire, making him the sole Emperor from 324 to 337 and paving the way for Christianity as the dominant religion for the Roman Empire, and eventually the whole of Europe. Probably the decree that made the greatest impact on Christianity was the Edict of Milan, given in 313 by Constantine and Lucinius. This announcement granted Christians and non-Christians the freedom to practice their faith without the threat of persecution. They were also allowed to worship God after their own choice. It is also by this decree that churches and places of worship were restored and given back to the Christians without payment. Constantines support to the Christian Church made it possible for the religion to flourish and spread not just in Europe but to the rest of the world as well. Constantine also declared Christian disciplines still applicable up to the present times. The Emperors action, though favorable to the Christians, made it hard for pagans to survive. Constantine became so passionate about Christianity that he felt it necessary to evangelize people and convert them as well. The pagans, due to lack of support, were left with no choice but to close their temples and succumb to Constantines orders.

Though he earlier declared that people have the freedom to practice their religion, Constantines action implied that he wanted Christianity to be the dominant religion. And so it became Europes major armor in conquering and acquiring colonies. The long-term effect of Constantines passion for Christianity is evident in todays world where religion is among the most debated topics. If there is a negative impact of Constantines actions, it would be that Christianity was used by some Europeans to dominate the world. An example of this would be the Philippines who were under the Spaniards for 300 long and suffering years. Though the Filipinos owe their faith and religion to the successors of Constantine, they suffered much inhumanity during the time that they were colonized. Christianity by itself is good and meant to be shared to others, but if the motive is to gain power over these people, then Christianity is not that good at all.


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