Theology is the known as the study of God and His Biblical word. In circumstantial theology, it is further defined by the addition to a theory in which Christian and Evangelical theology can be examined. There are a number of approaches to Christianity theology and include systematic, dogmatic, Biblical and the Historical Theology. This paper is an essay giving the contrast between Liberal hermeneutics and allegorical, spiritualization, and genre hermeneutics. There is also a summary of the Synthetic overview of the Bible, and the major eleven topics of theology. These are discussed to bring a better understanding of theology as a whole and the facts of the Bible, and its purpose for man.

Contrasting Liberal with Allegorical, Spiritualization, and Genre Hermeneutics
Liberal hermeneutics is the interpretation of the Bible in accordance with liberal theology which is non-propositional. The interpretation here is that liberal theologians have failed to take the Bible as the inventory representing factual or actual statements like God divided darkness and light, but on the other interprets the Scriptures as a document having human beings as the authors, and who must have written the Bible according to their beliefs and their feelings and attitudes about God during the time they were writing the Bible, and have kept everything within a cultural as well as an historical context. In that case, the religious concepts and models here have concepts are believed to have been updated in a way of reflecting the gender, class, social and political issues. This was done in a way of making them appear relevant and extremely interesting to the reader. Therefore, all liberal theologians make no claim that all the apostles accounts towards their experiences in Christianity religion can be more true and relevant the individual than that experience in the individual himself.

On the other hand, allegorical hermeneutic is a method that always been used in finding the truth within biblical texts and have a deeper spiritual meaning, as opposed to the literal meaning. In an Allegorist mind, the literal meaning is taken as an immediate meaning which requires inner meaning since the human authors had been inspired to do so. By an analogy, it is true to agree said that Allegorists believe that the literal meaning is itself an allegory just as body of man, and the spirit gives the body its true senses. Typically, spiritualization of Scriptures will occur once a theological presupposition in the mind of an Allegorist has failed to correspond to a given plain meaning of a Scripture. This allegorization of Scriptures tends to force the text thus resulting in false harmony in the theological presupposition with the Biblical text. Therefore, all allegorical methods are subjective and random, and they hence fail to assign an inductive principle in the exegesis when it comes to the interpretation of the Bible

The Synthetic Overview of the Bible
The Bible is known to man as the Gods word. Its word is known to be authoritative in the entire message in contains, all from the beginning of the world to the present age. Gods plan for the world has been revealed to be doxological God-Centered program. This program here is contained in the Bibles progressive revelation. Students approach this Bible in a way that guarantees them to have a full scope of the Gods progressive Biblical revelation. Comprehensive application or method will be necessary in observing the dispensations found in the Scripture. These dispensations are therefore necessary in proving the synthetic overview of the Scripture. This stewardship has been designed in advancing Gods doxological reason and purpose behind mankind. Paul has used term dispensation in most of his Biblical writings. A number of distinct examples with dispensations are present in Pauls Biblical usage. In the book of Ephesians 110, Paul indicated that God had planned a dispensation whereby all things in the world would be ultimately summed up in Jesus Christ. Paul thus describes this possible future dispensation to be the fullness of the entire times.

These dispensational and theologians have fond them useful in the recognition of multiple dispensations in the Scriptures. Majority of theologians, both the dispensational and the non-dispensational ones, have been finding it very useful in recognizing the multiple dispensations present in their theological systems. There are a number of schemes that have been used over the time. About twelve dispensations have been used in the overview of the Bible. The first dispensation is the Planning-Eternity Past. Here, God is seen to have existed before He decided to create the universe. He is therefore eternal and of self existent. His existence therefore is extending endlessly, both backwards and forward from the human viewpoint of universal time and space. His nature of creativity should therefore be glorified. Therefore, everything is known to God, his eternity and all His works.

Mans Prelude-Innocence is the next dispensation. This has been extended from the origin of creation until to the fall of Adam. The creation of the universe included man, Adam whom God put in a very decent garden and live there with one rule of not eating the fruits of the midst tree. But Adam fell into sin, and from there man no longer possess the intrinsic ability of living up to the expectations of God. The other one is Mans Plight-Failure. This is an account just to the floods of Noah. This is a conclusion of mans wickedness on earth, and his intent of thoughts of the heart has been evil. Noah, the God-sent messenger is rejected thus causing mankind to require cleansing, and leaving him and his family as the remnants. The other one is the Provisions and preservations of Common Grace  the Human Government which spans from Noahs calling and his preservation and his family from the floods, until to the call and promise to Abraham. This leads to judgment when God confused the existing one language of men to scattered all of them across into the different faces of earth. From there we have the promises being pronounced. This is a dispensation providing the turning point to Gods revelation. Here, God makes his covenant with Abraham providing a framework for his finale doxological plan.

We the go to the Prerequisite being Portrayed-The Broken Covenant. This is a dispensation containing a major contrasting element the Mosaic covenant, known to be a conditional covenant serving as a test for the Israelites. The other one is the Promising of the kingdom. From the time of Jesus, he urges people to repent to see the kingdom of God which is near. This is to establish human kingdom in heaven.

From there we go to the Postponement and Propitiation, where the Kingdom is postponed and a then the new covenant is ratified. The entire nation of Israel ends up rejecting the God-sent Jesus and at the very time, Jesus begins teaching the people in parables so as to hide the necessary truth from the people that were rejecting Him. He is later killed, buried, resurrects and finally ascends to heaven. From there we go to the church age and its participation. After Christs ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit is sent to come and empower all the believers in this new dispensation, which becomes the Church Age. Here, the Holy Spirit is to maintain the unique ministry which would empower believers by giving the people and the church the necessary edification to remove people from sin. The Church then begins to operate out of Israel. The era comes to an end after the churchs rapture with the continuation of the Israels program.

The next was the purification when Jacobs tribulation is revealed. During the era, God is expected to pour out His wrath upon all those who rejected Christ and have continued to live in sin. It will conclude with the coming of Jesus Christ in order to preserve the remnants of the Israel Kingdom.

Form there, the other is the fulfillment of the promises when the kingdom will be fulfilled. This kingdom dispensation will begin with a marriage supper of Gods Lamb and an establishment Davidic Kingdom, and here Christ will be the ruler and will reign from the City of Jerusalem.  During the time, Satan will be bound and will only be released during the final revolt and the subsequent judgments on humankind. Finally, we see the Postscript Eternity or the Future. As we see the end of the Millennial Kingdom, the final judgment takes place and all the dead who had not been resurrected previously will be raised from the dead. Here, everyones name will be examined from the Book of Life. From there, people will be judged, and the present world now will pass away and the New Jerusalem will be pronounced upon the world, and God will finally dwell with the holy people. The Bible therefore provides the entire progressive revelation by God. Therefore, this understanding is what will eventually lead humankind in the repentance of sins and by so doing turn to Jesus, the Son of God the Most High.

Eleven Primary Topics of Theology
Over history, about eleven major classifications of theology have been become the key of theology, or the topics of theology.The first one is Theology Proper This is the first topic of theology and seeks to come up with the definition of Gods doctrines apart from those of Christology, or Pneumatology.There other topic is Christology which simply represents the doctrines of respecting Christ.These are doctrines defining a believer person the nature of Christ.Pneumatology is a scientific form of treatment in all the facts that relate to the spirits. Holy Spirit is deemed as the third in the Trinity and thus he is deity.Bibliology is defined as the study of the scripture-related doctrines. The Bible is authenticated by God as a special revelation to mankind and was given to man as an inspired message. Another important topic of theology is Angelology which stands for the study of angels.This is a study that includes examination of angels and their origin and their classification as well.

Anthropology is another topic in todays systematic theology and thus is the study of human beings. Since systematic theology has sought to organize the important theology topics, it is therefore necessary for it to include man and his detailed analysis.Hamartiology is the other topic which involves the study of all doctrines of mans sin and the reason it is tied in one way or the other with anthropology.This study of mans sin can be done through the examination of Biblical Scriptures because sin itself is something in accordance with Gods standards.

Soteriology involves the study of salvation doctrines. This includes the plan of God towards mans salvation and his work as a Redeemed individual, and will include the application Christs redemption to Gods people. Another topic is Israelology which relatively a new development involving the study of the doctrines of the Israelites. These are doctrines which previously had been included in ecclesiology as one topic.On the other hand, Ecclesiology is the study of Churchs doctrines. This study seeks to come up with definition of a church and explain the origin, its past, the present and future purposes, and how it is distinct from Israel. The final topic is Eschatology which involves the study of end days. The topic studies all doctrines of prophetical scriptures and their relations to the end of the world.


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