It is one of the most natural fascinations for people.  In todays society that is dominated by technology and science, some would argue that myths do not have any value anymore but considering how long they have survived in tradition, this shows how much they are part of our culture and sense of identity. Jenks (2007) points out that creation myths across cultures reveal that the narratives developed for this purpose often serve as the core of the values and cultural systems or a society. As such, the study of creation myths can provide intimate insights on how culture and societies their unique identities and at the same time show parallelism between other cultures and societies. In Leonard and McClures book Myth  Knowing An introduction to World Mythology, creation myths are considered in a number of approaches that show its richness as a field of study. The creation myths that the book discusses also provides great insights the respective cultures of the stories origins and ultimately, the how culture is molded and in turn influenced by these traditions.

There are a number of theoretical approaches that are used in the study of creation myths. Many of the approaches combine literary criticism, sociology and psychology in analyzing the narratives or traditions for the origin of humanity. One approach, using Folklore Studies and Anthropology is often utilized in cases where authorship of the creation myth is not clear. Often, the approach is used in conjunction with comparative literature studies including non-literary components such as superstitions or customs.  However the approach does not delve into the contrasting elements of creation myth traditions or the meaning of complex symbolisms. At the same time, to be fully effective, a strong background in anthology is often required. For those who do not have a high degree of expertise of experience in social sciences, traditional historical criticism is an alternative approach that can be taken. Studies using the approach consider the myth in wider context evaluating based on accepted historical records or literature that can be associated with the text. In cases where the myth text has no strong historical or literary reference, then analysis can become problematic. However, a common challenge in studying creations myths is that they have generally been oral traditions. In these cases, oral-formula is the common strategy utilized. Scholars however often only utilize these method when the myth predates writing and has not been documented subsequently either.

In the creation myth of Vishnu Parana, creation is through evolution, coming from a void of existence. The tradition is reflects a similarity to the biblical traditions of creation where an omniscient being created the universe from nothing which then evolves to the creation of the world. There is a strong emphasis in spiritually and transcending corporeal existence. This creation myth has been incorporated into Hindu religious traditions and is considered as one of the basis of the development of the philosophical foundation for the establishment of the caste system. In this example, the creation myth does not only explain how the world is created but also provides a rationale to the nature of human interactions and its significance to a spiritual universe. As mentioned, the creation myth of Vishnu Parana creation myth has a lot of similarity to biblical traditions. However in the Genesis creation account, there is an emphasis on the chronology of the creation process which is described to have been completed in seven days. At the same time, the presentation reserves significant responsibility and value on man from the moment of creation with the text stating of man being molded in the image of god and the assertion of his position as the caretaker of Eden, and by implication the rest of the world. However, in the Genesis tradition the fall of man comes after the creation which emphasizes the perfection of the handiwork of the creator of the world.

The need to know who one is and what the reason for ones existence is is a primal need. It is closely linked with an individuals personal  sense of self and purpose. From these two examples, it is clear that creation myths are at the core of how societies and cultures view who they are and the purpose of their existence. As much as the creation myths seem to be disassociated with modern sensibilities, the reality is that the study of these traditions must employ a very scientific approach to ensure that analysis is not colored by ones own personal background or opinions. Regardless of whether one reads creation myths for entertainment of more serious studies, there is no denying that they can stimulate not only the imagination but also intellectual curiosity. In conclusion, the study of creation myths has provided critical insights on human imagination and the development of culture and society and ultimately, how creation myths make them unique and yet familiar to other cultures and societies around the world.


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