Christianity and Buddhism

Almost all religion, that includes Christianity and Buddhism, share a basic rule of behavior. Buddhism and Christianity are almost identical in terms of moral standards which govern how the followers should be in treating others. Both believed that an individuals life continues after physical death-- a belief that is claimed to be the main reason that motivated people to create religions in their fear that their soul will be punished after death. Christianity and Buddhism however conceived life after death in different manner and form. Buddhism claims that individuals are trapped in a repetitive cycle of birth, rebirth, life and death and ones objective is to escape from this cycle until one reaches Nirvana. When Nirvana is attained, the mind experiences peace and liberation, and eventually suffering ends since desire and craving will be totally eliminated. Christianity however claims that an individual has only a single life and chance on earth. After physical death, an eternal life, either Heaven or Hell, awaits everyone. In heaven there is no suffering, only joy while in hell torture and suffering are eternal. The destination of one believer however depends through good works and faith.

Apparently since Christianity and Buddhism are two different religions, they do not share most of the core values and historical background. Christianity is primarily based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth presented in the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God who became a man to save humanity out of love.  Jesus suffered, died from crucifixion, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead to open heaven to those who believe in him and trust him for the remission of their sins  (Sheed 276). Buddhism however is largely based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama or commonly known as  Buddha  which means the awakened one. Buddha shared his insights to help human beings end suffering, finally achieve Nirvana and escape the cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhists do not believe in the subsequent  fall of humanity or original sin shared by all human beings acquired from Adam and Eve. They do not believe in the need for a sinless personal savior whose execution enabled human salvation through forgiveness and atonement.

There is no God in Buddhism and for them personal mortality is followed by reincarnations depending upon attained in previous lives. The ultimate purpose of the believers in this religion is to free themselves in the endless chains of rebirths into suffering lives. In Christianity however, believers have a personal God and they should have a personal relationship with him. Personal mortality depends on Gods judgment. Christianitys ultimate objective is to attain an eternal life with God-- reward that is seen to be  only available to those who have faith in Jesus Christ, and are made righteous by Him  (Sheed 276). Both religions apparently share two different belief system.


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