Movie review Wall Street

The core values and beliefs of people are depicted in their relationship with friends,relatives as well as in the business environment. The movie   wall street  shows situations that go deep into the unethical world. Bud Fox playing Charlie Sheen enters the scene as a young and energetic man who wants to succeed and make it in the competitive business world.

Ethical behavior provides the basis for a civilized society. Without a good moral foundation the civilization would be a by word. An individual at the personal level should be able to answer some moral questions pertaining to their goals and aspirations in life. Ones answer might be based on the desire to acquire fame and money or integrity and popularity. Based on ones evaluation, integrity should rank high in regard to the attributes that one strives to achieve otherwise if integrity is relegated to the second position ,it will be sacrificed in situation  where a good or bad choice has to be made. These situations are encountered by all people in their daily lives.

There should be no mistake about the Wall Street . It is a movie that is made by men and acted by men for men. The film explore conflicting desires and has a mentality of man -eat man kind of thinking or mentality.
The movie represents the current trends in the stock market as the players are real and the issues encountered are the same as the ones the companies are facing currently. In this era of material wealth and the desire for fame we are introduced to two characters Bud and Gecko. Bud is an ambitious young man who desires to achieve whatever it is at any cost as he proves later in the film. Gecko  is one of the richest players in the stock market. He has all he needs but is still chasing more money. He looks for information of all companies that are wreck able. He gets one firm takes it over and make good money out of it by selling all the assets. This shows how greedy he is because he does not care the consequences of those who lose their jobs he is only interested in his bank account balance growing.

Gecko is the epitome of greed. In one instance Bud pays him a visit in the office but instead of giving him an opportunity to discuss whatever concerns he had, Gecko continues to make phone call,transact business over the phone in Buds presence. His speech is long and centered on greed.

Gecko also stresses the importance of getting information to Bud. He wants him to get as much information as possible about his rival about a certain company he wants to liquidate. Though much efforts he gets the information for Gecko  that his rival is using offshore accounts to buy the this company. By the use of offshore accounts there is possibility of keeping his ways secret. Armed with this information Gecko starts to purchase the same stock so that he can finally make good money. This is not ethical but Gecko says money never sleeps. The most crucial episode that brings greed to the attention of the viewers is when Gordon Gecko brags before shareholders that he is the wealthiest and strongest shareholder of Teldar Paper and the company management have no power to question the strategic initiatives of the company. He says that he is the savior of companies. But the truth is that he buys the companies, liquidates them, leaving so many people without jobs.  He never addresses or talks about the unemployment that he creates as a result of his liberation efforts.

Geckos greed is insatiable. Another episode that brings this clearly is his plan to liquidate Blue Star Airlines. Bud gets the information that Gecko wants to sell everything that was owned by the airline. He insists that the company is a wreck and invites Bud to stay around him since he has some more lessons that he wants to teach him. It does not matter to Gecko that Buds father and several other relatives are employees of Blue Star. Gecko wants money and does not care who will lose a job or not.

Bud moots a plan to destroy Gecko but this does not succeed although he has been able to put a burden on his shoulders. His plan is persuade high profile shareholders to dump their shares so as to dilute their worth, leading Gecko to incur hefty losses. This is not successful because he get arrested by the authorities for committing securities fraud. In the end Bud losses his big apartment as he tried to get some lessons from his teacher,Gecko and therefore has learned the importance of human values in a rather humiliating manner. He has nothing left to show of ,almost on the verge of losing his father. His father provides a very important business insight to the young man that he should be able to create wealth rather than relying on selling and buying to others. This movie provides a very good moral lesson avoid the pursuit of material good and strife for integrity and honor for these values will endure.


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