Motivating the Learner

What is the role of the teacher and what steps will you take to ensure that you are fulfilling this role
Teachers play a very important role in ensuring that they have prepared the learner in a way that is both productive and fulfilling, so that the learner is developed with all the relevant factors deemed ideal and necessary for development under consideration. Specifically, a teacher ought to motivate the learner. In essence, the teacher must excite the learner to work towards a given purpose, which in this case is achieving the academic requirements and goals. The overall role here is therefore to ensure that the learner is disciplined. In order to impart discipline in the learner, the teacher will need to adopt the use of the principles that are presented in the Bible. To impart discipline, the teacher must be ready to apply the godly principles in the bible, and to ensure that learners are disciplined as much as possible. Emphasis on God must be accompanied by the emphasis of good and right behaviors and choices for the learner. Finally, the teacher will fulfill this role by ensuring that the choices that the learners make are consistent with the expected outcomes.

What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation when it comes to learning
Given that motivation is the effort to excite a certain act or behavior in order to achieve a certain purpose or goal, it has been classed into two based on how this excitation is done and on the specific purpose it intends to achieve. Intrinsic motivation is associated with a high level of learner achievement and results from the rewards that are associated with a given activity or task. It is a kind motivation that has a source within the learner and the teacher ought to let it thrive. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is usually traced from sources that are outside the learner. For instance, the teacher can threaten to punish the learner or coerce himher in order to have the learner motivated. Money and other gifts are also great motivators.What is the significance of group dynamics in the motivation of a learner.

Group dynamics is a very critical aspect in shaping each member of the group. As group theorists will point out, the smaller the group, the better its members will be able to interact and influence each other. While large groups promote group loafing, smaller ones are ideal for instilling good characters. Group dynamics are significant in bringing about motivation because the learner gets to get the views of the other members of the group and as such is able to understand what is right or wrong. The learner also has access to a variety of viewpoints and is exposed to people with whom heshe is able to relate very well. Each member of the group desires to achieve at least to the level that the group expects. If the group has other learners with a record of performing well, they are likely to motivate those who do not perform as well to improve. It is a matter of having very close influence on each other. Some learners are also able to relate better with peers or age-mates rather than the teacher. As such, groups will help such ones to get motivated through getting to open up and share ideas with the others.

What are the structural factors that motivate learning
Learning can also be motivated by structural factors. These are the factors that are not at all linked to the learner or the teacher but which are related to the learning environment as is determined by the facilities pout in place by the management. Structural factors that motivate learning include having the relevant learning resources and learning aids for the learner, so that heshe is given an opportunity to concentrate on the learning process. Structural motivators ensure that the learning process is not disrupted. Others are good programs to be followed by learners, and a ready and willing support team or staff. What suggestions would you give to a novice teacher concerning motivating their students in their given context.

The advice that I would give to a novice teacher is that, first, it is essential that just like Jesus taught his disciples using parables so they could understand everything and never miss anything, heshe ought to use a language in which the learners will best understand the concept being taught. Every learner ought to be given a chance to develop their unique learning skills as well. In addition, the teacher must motivate the learners to not only work hard for academic excellence but also to grow up in a godly manner. The other advise is that the teacher must ensure that impartation of godly morals is accompanied by instilling of discipline in the learner. Discipline goes a long way in ensuring good academic performance. The teacher must also be able to encourage the learners to take part in group activities. This is because group dynamism plays a great role in not only motivating learners but also giving them a chance to learn from each other what they might have missed in class. Finally, learners, according to the Biblical book of Proverbs, usually grow up in the way they are trained. This is especially if they are still young. Based on this, I would advise the teacher to train the learners in a godly way so that they do not depart from it when they are adults.


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