Jesus Christ Superiority

Jesus a son of God was sent to the world to redeem man who was lost in sins to die and offer his live as a sacrifice so that man would be free of sins again. In most books in the Bible especially in the New Testament Hebrews Jesus Christ the name which many biblical prophecy and writings describe as being given to him by God his heavenly father describe his position and hierarchy in the kingdom of heaven. God calls him his only son a calling that suggests his seniority in leadership and possession and ownership of creation on earth and heavens.

Jesus Christ Superior to Angels
In the Bible, the book of (Hebrews Chapter 12 ), says that God finds favor in his son whom he has appointed as his heir decided to seat him on his right hand of his (Gods)glory and that seating equates taking a position almost as of his father as a heir (God). After Jesus willingly ascended from heaven for a mission of liberating man from his sins by offering his life he gained more superiority from that of angels. He became a son of God and he (God) commanded that all shall worship him including angels. There is no where it is said of any angel being given such superiority even in terms of seating position in His Glory and leadership or in his worship. When the son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will seat on his throne in heavenly glory (Mathew 2531) the verse talks of all the angels coming with Jesus as though Jesus is their master and that he Jesus will seat then on his heavenly throne in glory. This verse not only indicates that Jesus is the superior one that all the angels but that again he has a powerful rank in heaven.

Finally, in we are told that God spoke to the community of Hebrews the Jewish people by use of prophets in many ways. But now after the birth of Christ, God resorted speaking to them directly through his son Jesus Christ whom he God has appointed to be the heir of all things and that by whom he made the universe in deed there is no one who has been singled out as a heir of the kingdom of heaven and a leader of all leaders nor is there a king of all kings nor an angel of all angels but his son Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christs Superiority to Moses
The in the Holy Bible book of Hebrews, the author recognizes Jesus as an apostle and as a priest. He says that Moses was obedient to Gods house but at the same time he depicts Jesus as the builder of the house and just like the owner the builder of the house has much honor and command than the house itself and those that the owner has chosen to be leaders in the house and that signifies and distinguishes Moses position and that of Jesus. Jesus is the builder of the house as opposed to Moses only being part of the house and worthyof more glory than Moses because the one who hathbuildthe house hath morehonorthan the house. Hethat built all things is God. Therefore we have been left with the picture of Jesus, as our heavenly High Priest. The point that the author made in (Hebrews 210-18) is that humanity is unique in the fact that salvation has been provided to no other part of creation and that creation is we humans.

Christ became a man, dwelt among humanity, and was sacrificed for the sins of humanity. In chapter 3 of Hebrews, the author then considers Christs superiority to Moses. The book of Hebrews was written to converted Jews, so in their view, Moses was a great and powerful man. The Bible tells us that there was never a man before or after him who walked with God, and talked with Him the way Moses did. The purpose of the author is not to belittle Moses but rather, to show us however great Moses was, Jesus Christ is superior to him. He uses the superiority of Moses to expose Jesus more and more.

Jesus Christs Superiority to Aaron
The book of Hebrews Chapter 5, we are told how a high priest is selected. That the selection is done from among men and that he is appointed to represent them in matters related to God. It then explains why the qualities of Jesus and the kind of sacrifice he had to make for mankind. Since he was born as human and underwent worldly tests he stood a position where he would understand men and be able to tolerate those backsliding and those moving slowly. That he possessed that perseverance and that he offered sacrifices for his sins and for those of other people.

Although not clearly expressed in the case of Aaron, the author simplifies the facts surrounding the circumstance under which one has to be a High Priest. That just like Aaron, Jesus too was called by God his father. Jesus did not choose himself nor did he take up that glorification by himself but called by God. The author says that God called Jesus, You are my son today I have become your father later again You are my priest for ever, in the order of Melchizedek. Although being Gods son, he portrayed obedience by his submissiveness throughout his suffering on earth and later when God made him perfect he became the source of our salvation and God made him the High Priest.

Jesus Christs Superiority to Melchizedek
Melchizedekthe king of Salem was not only a king but also apriest of the Lord God. This is unique because there is no other priest we are told who was both a priest and a king at the same time. Just like Jesus, Melchizedektoo is God appointed into his priesthood. He was highly placed as a king of peace, with no mother and father, no ancestry history, with no beginning of days nor end of life so highly ranked priest that even Abraham gave his a tenth of his making in his business and received blessings from Melchizedek.
Jesus was a priest chosen by God and gave him imperishable life and God declared him a for ever priest and equated him to the order of Melchizedek because Melchizedek was one of the great priests having come from a none ancestral ruling clan as was required by law but was made such powerful and holy to be collecting even a tenth from the clans of whom were known kings and rulers to be coming from there. Jesus is unique, of the order of Melchizedek, in the sense that he is a priest, a king and a ruler. He is superior to all other priests who ever existed in that he is the ultimate mediator (high-priest) between God and humankind. At the second coming, he will be displayed in power as king, a ruler over the entire world. Since that time or priesthood and appointment, most of all priests passed on because of death but its only Jesus who lives and reigns for ever thus he has a permanent priesthood unlike all other priests. He is most holy, most pure and doesnt offer sacrifices day after a day for him and for other sinners because he sacrificed for the sins once and for all for the law appoints men for priests who are weak but oath which come after the law appointed the son who was made pure and perfect for ever. Healwayslives to make intercession for us. The eternal intercession and eternal salvation are for those who draw near to God through Christ and that our salvation depends on the work of Christ Forever and Ever


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