
 Christianity since its invention has had eminent controversies revolving around its belief, principles and values. The major focus has been towards reaching a valid position of being able to define what are the basic fundamental Christian world views What is the origin and nature of human beings What is the purpose and meaning of human life How do Christians perceive and view the extends and limits of human knowledge Do Christians have any basis for justifying these assumptions How then do they justify the concept of being moral and immorally upright The divergent opinions held by Christians about Christianity are naturally controversial yet yielding a lot of debates and controversies among different believers. Since time in memorial Christianity has faced enough conflicts and differences among its adherents.

The issue of denominations and doctrines about the best approach to approach the gospel of Jesus Christ has been the major contending issue which has yet yielded a lot of conflicts, separation and divisions among believers. Intensive schism and conflicts among already established denominations have lasted since time in memorial during and after the reformation of the protestant church. Slavery, racial segregation and interracial marriages were among the most contending issues emerging from the contemporary church as early during the 19th century, mid 20th century up to the recent 1950s and 60s.

Today major concerns have risen based on major moral topics such as freedom and rights of Christians and consequently human sexuality. Cases such as abortion and access to it have struck heated debates among the liberal Christians and dominated the headlines of major denominations in the 20th century. Consequently, the idea of female ordination and inclusion in church leadership has also been a critical point of conflicts among the Christians of the day. Various religious indoctrinations hold different opinions about the place of women in the society and more so in the church. In the past few decades women were not allowed to take leadership positions not only in church but also in the society. The home yard was their place of being. However, in regard to the recent transformations spreading around the world, women have sort their positions in the church as leaders and even out side the church. Majority of the Christian denominations have grown to accommodate these changes in trends while others have strongly remained deeply rooted to these old gone principles. Homosexuality has hit the church today with majority of liberal faith groups adopting and accepting lesbians and gay members to minister in church as priests, pastors and rabbis.

The various Christians denominations take very different positions and yet extremely opposite stands in various debates concerning all the above named ethical issues.  Indifferences among the Christian religion are more rooted within the nature of principles and values to be upheld by the Christians. Lack of consolidation of ideas and beliefs has been the major sources of conflicts in Christianity.  Today the issue of premarital sex has also become an issue of concern in church with most adherents supporting it while others extremely rejecting it. The term sin today is church has become relative since each denomination is creating values which never used to be their and adopting the as basic principles


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