The Message of Paul

Based on apocalyptic theory, vv.17-31 can be interpreted as Pauls call to the people that the end is near. He believes now is the time to reflect on ones life and if possible, remain within that current situation. Paul is giving instruction for the time and place in which he is writing. He mentions that the world they know is passing away and the people need to follow his words now. They need to prepare for the return of Christ and whatever that entails.

Throughout the text, Paul does not support change and instead encourages people to remain what God has made them. By doing so, he believes they are more likely to experience rapture. Paul is not in favor of enslaving free people however, if one is already a slave, this should be accepted. The slave should remember and take comfort that he is free in the eyes of the Lord. He does mention that if a slave is able to gain his freedom, he should do so.

Paul does not support marriage. A solitary man, he constantly reminds the reader that he is not married. He clearly states that while marriage is not a sin, he believes it leads to a problematic life, and he would like to steer his readers away from such troubles. He believes that widows and virgins should not enter into marriages and instead devote their lives to honoring God. However, despite his attitude towards marriage, Paul is not an advocate of divorce. He thinks, just as he does for slavery, that if a marriage already exists it should not be dissolved.

Today, many people still believe we are living in end times but the encouragement to reject change is not as prevalent. The majority of churches support and encourage marriage, even if they believe that Christ is returning shortly. Now people are also encouraged to make their lives, and the lives of others, better. They are expected to live a life worthy of the Lord, but not at such extremes.


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