
Religion is a personal fundamental possessing individual rules and doctrines that dictate an individual.  Systems of belief, personal faith, and adherence to religious law define the philosophy of religion.  The fields of anthropology and psychology have both stemmed from questions proposed by religious scholars and followers.  Biblical law coincides with certain man-made laws, but when society is faced with a moral dilemma, it quickly abandons religious theory in order to appease its own guilty conscious.  There are many benefits to having a steadfast and affirmed religious faith.  Those who come to know and accept Christianity as a personal religion and faith do so willingly.  No one is forced to be a Christian.  With all the troubles in the world today, everyone needs to be able to believe in something.  Christianity holds the answer to all the questions and troubles of the world.
Children are known for believing just about everything that they are told.  Much like believing a fairy-tale, children believe in the Easter bunny, the tooth-fairy, and in Santa Claus.  As children begin to grow and mature, their belief and value systems begin to grow and evolve also.  The news of learning that the Easter bunny, tooth-fairy, and Santa Claus were all fabrications can be very devastating to a child.  Adults, like children, need something or someone to believe in.  Whom and what adults choose to believe in is entirely up to the individual.  The religion of Christianity is not a mere fable, nor is it a belief that appears magically.

Christianity is a way of life.  It has provided answers, healing, and comforts to many a person whether during a period of despair or a time of celebration.  Christians have a conscious awareness of their own spiritual wellbeing.  Christianity is a religion that allows an individual to be content, at one with life in general, and allows them to develop a personal relationship with God.

Human beings are uniquely constructed masses of atoms and molecular cells all combined and infused with a spirit, or soul. Mankind is the combination of all men and women living everywhere on the earth (Levi-Strauss, 1963).  Christians believe that everyone has a soul.  From the day of birth, each person possesses an inner spirit that guides every action, decision, thought, and feeling.  In an ending episode of the sitcom Roseanne, the main character played by Roseanne Arnold states, we are not bodies with souls, but we are souls with bodies.  Christians believe that everyone is born a sinner.  Everyone is capable of being good and bad, but it is not a profound Christian belief that some people are born good while others are born as a bad seed.  Christians believe that people function in everyday life with the use of freewill and make choices and decision by their own doing, but not from some underlying facet (Deuteronomy 3019, NIV).
All human beings came from Gods hand.  God created each person from his image. The Bible says, The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being, (Genesis 27, NIV).  The purpose of existence has yet to be determined.  In Christianity, there are simply some answers that cannot be answered until the day of judgement comes.

SinImmoral Actions
Christians strive to be sinless, but this is impossible to truly achieve.  When someone comes to know Jesus Christ and accepts Him into their heart, then that person is saved.  In other words, the person is once again clean, pure, and sinless.  Christians are not perfect individuals and go to God reverently in prayer asking for forgiveness for transgressions (Monda, 2007).  If a Christian is truly remorseful for the sinful act or word done against God, then God forgives them.  God is not a merciless God, but rather He is a God of love.

Christians know where they are going after they cease to live and breathe.  Christians are going to Heaven.  Salvation through grace is the highest level for a Christian to attain.  Once a sinner is redeemed, that person is washed in the blood of God and saved by being blessed with eternal life in Heaven.  Ephesians 28 says, for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (NIV).  Salvation is not earned either.  Salvation is granted unto each Christian for living a Christian life, following Gods laws, and doing good unto fellow man.  Salvation is not earned by simply going to church on Sunday mornings and dropping a few dollars into an offering plate.  Salvation is not possible after death.

After one dies, Christians believe that there is no turning back.  It is too late.  Repentance from sin and acceptance of the Lord as ones God and Saviour must be done on earth (Weiss, 2006).

Many Christians believe that God is very personal.  Over time, Christians develop a close personal relationship with Christ.  Christ guides Christians throughout their daily lives and provides comfort to them during their hours of need.  The close personal relationship with God provides a sense of wanting to do better as a Christian.  It provides a deeper meaning and understanding into what God has intended for Christians to know and live.  Christians ultimately learn that there is only one true God, and that He is the father of Jesus Christ (Welch, 2007).

God and Salvation
God took upon Himself the ultimate act of sacrifice in order to prove his love for mankind.  For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life, says John 316 (King James Version).  God also says that no one will ever enter the kingdom of Heaven except through his son Jesus.  Jesus is the only way to live eternally.  When God sacrificed His son for the sins of all humans, He did so willingly and out of love.

Christians are normal people.  The do not fly around with wings and halos either.  There are too many stereotypes about who Christians are and what they believe.  Some prefer to categorize Christians as bible-beaters and brow beaters, but this simply is not true.  Christians eat, sleep, marry, have families, go to school, work, and even have fun.  The choices that a Christian makes define their religion.  Some Christians are more rigid than others while some Christians are more modern in their ways of thinking.  Either way, it is a personal choice.


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